I’ve been thinking about this post for a very long time. I particularly wanted to pass this along to those who are younger and might find value in these concepts.
It has to do with the power we all have within us, tapping into that power, and achieving what we want out of life. I have been using these universal truths for decades to help manifest goals that have been important to me. It’s helped with my health (you need good health before anything!), career, financial security and finding my soul mate.
This power has been used in many cultures throughout the ages in various forms. Be it through God, The Universal Mind, Self-hypnosis, prayer, meditation, affirmations, “The Secret”, bhavana, etc. it’s all pretty much the same stuff, but the most important aspect is belief: Belief that however you choose to harness this power, it will work.
For myself, it started back in my twenties with self hypnosis. As a kid I’d always been fascinated by magic, the mystics and the power of the mind (or God and the universe working through your mind). When I discovered self-hypnosis I used it to give myself suggestions about what I wanted out of life. Of course, as you age you may find your desires change. Many things that were so important at thirty will most likely not matter at age seventy (take it from one who’s been there!). To this day I use these tools as well as constant affirmations for the things that I am still striving to achieve or maintain.
To begin with, you really have to decide what is most important to you. For some it may be a satisfying career, good health, happiness, finding a mate or just meeting next month’s rent. For others it’s having millions of dollars. (Be aware that studies have shown that once you pass $50k-$70k per year it will not buy you much more in the way of happiness. You have to only look at the evening news to find some famous and/or wealthy person whose behavior is indicative of their unhappiness.) In any event these dreams are achievable.
Here are some of the books I have read over the years to help guide me. They are older but the concepts still hold true. I haven’t read any of the current books on the subject but when I peruse them it’s all the same truths repackaged. Some of the books that helped me: Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D., As A Man Thinketh by James Allen, The Courage To Create by Rollo May, M.D., Fear OF Failure by Robert C. Birney. Dr Wayne Dyer has a number of great books on the subject as well as Deepak Chopra.
Here are some examples from my own personal experiences.
1.) Back when I was a studio musician I would prepare for every session by using self-hypnosis for meditation. About an hour or two before the session I would put myself into a light trance (alpha state) at home. I would imagine myself at the session, playing perfectly, the producer being impressed and telling me that he would call me again. This worked about 90% of the time. The goal is to strive for 100% but if I hit less it really didn’t matter. The fact is it worked for a good percentage of the time and I was fairly successful as a studio musician.
2.) I’ve always felt that I would live a long life, at least to 100, and in excellent health. That desire led me to become a vegetarian almost forty years ago and I believe I was led there through my meditations. So far, so good. At 71 I’m in pretty good shape with nothing more that a few aches and pains (I’m still working on those!).
3.) Financial security was another aspect that I wanted very much. Ironically, it did not come in the form I thought it would, but that’s the funny thing about this power. Your desires will not always be delivered in the way you expect.
4.) As a kid I always wanted a recording studio. Decades later it was delivered even though I had never engineered a session in my life. Through unforeseeable circumstances I became a recording engineer with my own successful studio.
3.) For decades I had been looking for a soul mate and it was a constant part of my daily meditation. Sure enough, after running through the prerequisite number of girl friends, Robin came into my life. Once again the power delivered, cool!
4.) Robin has been using this power too. About a year and a half ago she took the Yoga teacher training to become an instructor. With that she learned about bhavana, which roughly translates to “remembering the future”. She used bhavana to envision her future as a yoga teacher. Almost immediately after her training she starting getting asked to teach, both paid and as a volunteer. (Volunteering is very important to her). She has been amazed at how powerful this can be.
5. Finally, When I first came to Southern California I fell in love with the ocean. I lived at the beach for many years until I felt the need to move to Hollywood. But I have always wanted to get back to the beach. I dreamed about it many times but had never really meditated on it. Then Robin wrote a bhavana on it. Wouldn’t you know — it looks like that now is about to be delivered. We have found a home north of us in the marina in Oxnard CA.
I have many more examples but I think you get the idea.
The point of all this is not to brag about what I have achieved. It’s about letting you know that within you, lies the mechanism to reach your goals and dreams by utilizing these universal truths and believing in them. One other thing to keep in mind is that the power knows no time frame so be patient. Lastly, the cool thing is that this power is free!
Keep the faith, go forth and prosper!
Thanks for this beautiful post, Art. It really proves what I came to understand over the last few years. I will have to check out the books you recommended. =)
Glad you enjoyed it Ulla. Now if I would only take the time to practice it more thoroughly. So easy to get caught up in “metadata” when the real metadata lies within!
Saw this deal today. I have no idea if it is any good (haven’t read it), but it is free if anyone is curious. 🙂
Amazon offers downloads of Forbes Robbins Blair’s Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open for Kindle for free. It’s $12 under the lowest total price we could find for a physical copy of this book.
A Kindle reader, or Kindle-enabled device, is required to download and read this eBook.
Instant Self-Hypnosis… eBook free http://dn.ws/bmli via @dealnews
Thanks for posting this. I’ve been discovering this for myself recently as well. I read and watched The Secret which sort of sparked everything else for me. The fact that I opened and read this email is yet another sign to me that it works!
Thank you, Art. I’m in a place where a lot of huge changes are happening and your words really hit home.
Very nice post Art, and as you say different cultures call these practises different things.. I have to I was the most unspiritual person out there up until 15 years ago. Since then I have learnt there is definitely something else to life and the Universe than what we can physically see or hear.
Thanks for sharing Art. I made my own similar discovery several years ago when I first read “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder. Like you said, it’s all basically the same just packaged differently, but in the end “it Works”…;)
Thanks guscave. Yes it does work. When I first moved to L.A. in the 70s I was looking for a home and found a real estate agent who was much older than I. She had been using these techniques, successfully, for a long time and just reinforced my beliefs in these tools.
Thanks for sharing this, Art. It’s always encouraging to hear from people who have had success with this approach to life.
Beautiful post Art! Dr. Wayne Dyer have great programs on PPS too.
Now I’m gonna go and visualize us getting the “Building Your Own Music Library Website” tutorial soon:)
Thanks Happy Ears. It’s definitely on my to do list. I thought I had the tutorial ready to go but ran into a problem I’m still trying to solve.
@Art. Thanks Art. Thats inspiring. I totally agree that if you beleive you can do it then just get up and use your power and make it happen. There will be ups and downs but focus on your goals and you will acheive them. ‘put’ yourself where you want to be!
You say ‘you would prepare for every session by using self-hypnosis for meditation’ How long would you meditate for? I would like to put this into practice for myself but I find it hard to get the spare time on top of the spare time I need for making music.
Thanks for the kind words hysteria.
My self-hypnosis sessions would usually last 30 to 45 minutes and seemed to be self governing. I would start by laying down, closing my eyes and relaxing myself. I would begin with my toes and work my way up to my head. The key is to block everything out of your mind and there are many ways to do this. Some people imagine being on an elevator that is constantly descending.
It does take a lot of practice to reach that alpha state (you may fall asleep instead) but you will know it once you reach it. For me it felt like I was floating. Once in an alpha state you visualize the end result of what you are trying to achieve. Don’t worry about how you will get there, only the destination. When you are finished you will need return to your normal state. Usually by counting from 5 through 1 and giving yourself the suggestion that you will be refreshed and fully awake.
I would advise you to do some reading on the subject before pursuing it as I have gotten myself into situations that were not comfortable.
Good luck!
Okay thanks Art, Ill get some more info about it before i try anything. Thanks for the tips.