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Music Collaborators


One of our readers had the idea of starting a thread for those who would like to collaborate on making music. I thought it was a great idea so here’s the place to post for those who would like to do so.

52 thoughts on “Music Collaborators”

  1. Hi Colin, you have a great music, I’m impressed by music ideas and sound quality of your tracks. I feel that I have a similar taste in music and would be happy to collaborate with you. Wish you all the best.

    • Kompoz is an interesting site, but projects/collabs often start and then languish and are never completed. Or they take months – even years – to complete.

  2. I’m looking for a cowrite. I’m new to this, but I do have a handful of tracks with three libraries and a couple good recent placements.

    My stuff is instrumental and fairly indie rock / post-rock influenced. I also dig minimalism, especially Steve Reich and Terry Riley, and some of the music I’ve been writing lately is in that vein (heavily delayed clean guitars and organs, ambient stuff).

    I’d want to sign a split letter for everything we do.

    Ideally, I’d like to avoid retitling.

    I know this is a lot of info, but I thought for the sake of efficiency I’d be upfront…

    Thanks to anyone who reads this, and to Art for running this amazing site.
    http://www.soundcloud.com/davemh **

    **Most of my experience has been scoring shorts; many of the tracks on my soundcloud page have really cue-specific structure as a result.

    • I actually grew up in NJ so as a little kid I was a Yankee fan, but after going to Berklee and living in the Boston area now for 25 years, the conversion to Sox fever was complete!

        • I graduated in 90′. I just read the current copt of BT, it would be awesome to grab some production classes from there now with all the cutting edge technology they’ve got.

          • I sometimes wish we had the tools available now when I was in Berklee from 80-84. I remember using score paper and handwriting all my projects for arranging classes. If we wanted to hear the arrangements we had to write out all the individual parts by hand. And, I had to walk to classes every day in the snow, up hill, both ways. ๐Ÿ™‚

            Did you ever hear of the Boston bands “High Function” or “Universal Language” back in the late 80’s and early 90’s?

            Oh- I’m still in the area. I listened to your music which is very nice. I didn’t really hear what I could bring as a collaborator. I also play guitars, bass and misc. stringed instruments which you have covered. Your ideal collaborator might be a female singer/piano player!

        • I would like to have other composers interested to come in with me to create a bigger website for everybody to submit Music who owns 100% ownership to be licensed for films, TV,,commercials.
          I am ready to invest and invite others to invest. Is it possible?

  3. Anyone in the Boston Area?

    I’m interested in recording/collaborating with library writers. I’ve had a bunch of placements and am looking to focus on exclusive libraries. I mostly do acoustic/pop/rock vocals and instrumentals but would be happy to explore other avenues.

    My bio and music is here: http://www.audiosparx.com/colinodwyer



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