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MLR Radio

I had this idea of setting up some kind of radio station or player on MLR where folks could feature a couple of their favorite tracks that they have written. It would be open to all but would be instrumentals only. Please let me know if you like the idea. If so, any ideas on how to implement it would be appreciated!

23 thoughts on “MLR Radio”

  1. Hi Art-
    I’ve built a couple of them over the last year or so:

    Royalty Free Music Radio

    Nature Music Radio

    To build a radio station is actually kind of difficult and needs some serious bandwidth if you’re planning on having more than a handful listeners.
    Mine are done using Shoutcast as the server and I built the flash interfaces myself (or hired flash programmers to create them).
    I couldn’t find any interfaces out of box for web pages. Without building an interface it is basically just a URL to the stream that gets sent to iTunes.

    If you were able to get the server going I could be talked into donating a web interface/player to the project (the naturemusicdownload interface)

    I also know a programmer that can set up your Shoutcast server for you if you need help.
    But you need to really consider the bandwidth issue first.
    I had to get a second dedicated server with unlimited bandwidth at $500 a month to handle all of our radio stations and listeners.

    Also, anon ftp uploads probably won’t work (at least with a Shoutcast server) as you have to edit the playlist.lst file to add the new music files so that radio stream sees them.

    Mark Lewis

    • Thanks for the offer and the great info Mark, much appreciated. I had been thinking about the bandwidth issue and also stumbled across Shoutcast the other day. My web host uses Softaculous for open source installs and they have a program called AmpJuke that might fill the bill. I guess I will have to monitor the bandwidth and see if it’s even feasible. Thanks again!

  2. Sounds like an interesting idea Art, but since you’re pretty busy (already) and won’t have too much time to do everything manually, I’d consider some way to automate the process.

    Only problem is, who is going to filter to make sure only quality stuff gets uploaded, or are you going to be the A&R guy?!

    • Always a tricky issue but I would limit contributions to 1 or 2 per person. I wouldn’t be trying to judge anyone’s music, that would be a can of worms!

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