Airstate royalty collectors

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    I tried looking up Airstate on MLR but unfortunately only found unanswered queries.
    I recieved a mail from Airstate & spoken to them online, they offer to collect on the percentage of “publishers share” you are entitled to depending on your contract.
    Also, my PRO which is BMI takes ages to collect on international royalties which I’m sure is a mutual problem we all share.
    However, Airstate claims to bring attention to & hasten your writers share in international works as well.
    From there research sheet on my works, I could see there were plenty of uncollected royalties dating as far back as 5 years.
    Personally, I would have no dilemma about assigning Airstate to collect on my writers share for a sacrifice of 25%, many of the works seem to be uncollected on because of shawdy work on behalf of my early years publishers.
    But… It’s taken years to build great relationships with my current publishers and by assigning Airstate to collect on certain publishers share, I don’t want to be upsetting anyone.
    This entire concept is very new to me & actually surprising, and it would really mean alot to have some light shed on the issue.

    Andy, How has your experience with Airstate been?
    Thanks so much in advance!

    Art Munson


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