Anyone else get an email from US Copyright Office about other players/authors?

Home Forums Copyright Questions Anyone else get an email from US Copyright Office about other players/authors?

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    I recently registered a song for the new $35.00 fee and received an email questioning whether there were more players/writers on the song I sent.I (like most of you) play all instruments write and record everything myself…I’ve been copyrighting my songs since the early 90’s and have never had anyone contact me from the copyright office…anyone else get an email?…weird



    No, Jay. I’ve never heard of this response before. I don’t think that they even listen to the work TBH.

    Did you save a copy of your application? You probably just missed a yes/no box regarding other writers, or something like that.




    thanks Michael..the registration is still open and the email asked me to confirm whether or not there were other contributors to the copyright and of course I told them no..I didn’t miss any boxes but the upload of the file seemed to fail so I uploaded it a second time and maybe that’s why..maybe this is a random computer generated thing with the new pricing etc…Jay


    Yes man, I received the same exact email just a couple of weeks ago. I’ve never had this happen in the past, and I’m positive that I checked all the right boxes. Now I’m not sure if the song is protected or if I just blew $35.


    if you follow their instructions and agree or disagree to what ever they ask you your registration still MAY go through…mine did but I had no other players on the copyright and that’s what they were asking…just got the certificate in the mail as a matter of fact..

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