Anyone really concerned about AI in our business?

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    @yzzman1 I completely agree.


    Look for opportunity in change.


    @yzzman1 everything you said makes sense, and it’s a solid opinion.
    Still thinking the human creativity will be needed – if not at least be even more appreciated – keep having a strong value. But I agree that things will change, and we’ll need to be able to adapt.
    Stupid example: years ago I would have been smiling at the idea or recording my guitar valve amp through a load box with IR sounding better than my mikes and cabinet. Nowadays is my new standard.
    It’s pretty unpredictable how it will evolve but yeah, all your points are solid.
    Btw I missed that Warner wants to get out of the library game.


    Regarding Warner – they were talking seriously about it with the Warner/Discovery music assets a couple of years ago but didn’t get their asking price more or less. Word inside is they are going to try this again shortly.


    Thank you for this information, I’ll keep my eyes on it.


    Yes I absolutely agree AI will play a huge part in music going forward. I know quite a few music producers that are getting paid to assist AI development and are as a result, using their unique sound to create their own model. This is a lot like web design. About 25 years ago I paid thousands of dollars to learn web design.i was quickly able to make that investment pay off only for drag and drop website builders to get into the market. Other web designers were so resistant saying things like, “How could this happen to us?” A long with other doomsday questions. What a lot of my webdesign friends found out is that though a lot of people used drag and drop web builders, they were still needed, because the clients still needed assistance. People will always at some point need and or want the human experience. If anything the value will shift, and your skill set will point you to where that is.


    Hey Art, I think I’m a bit removed from most here. You know, that I know a LOT of “major companies are requiring that “no AI derived products will be accepted.'” There is simply TOO much potential for MAJOR lawsuits. Especially, when they have people on their roster that can KICK ANY AI product in its A**!!

    I think what this is mainly concerning are the ones that are in “mid-to-lower tiers,” that are doing VERY mediocre material.. Frankly, I hope it makes them step up their game. I know THIS for “fact,” and it’s written in our requirements, and contracts per project. As well, once they go after the company for infringement, the company will then go after YOU for lying on document. You can kiss your career goodbye..

    Remember “Old Town Road”, by Lil Nas X? Although, that was an uncleared sample. That is basically what is happening when a AI derived product comes too close to a registered “IP.” Imagine that happening routinely..

    Art Munson

    Hi, Thank you for this information, I’ll keep my eyes on it.
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