Approaching Exclusive Libraries

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    hello guys,
    I would like to hear feedback from those of you working with exclusive libraries, how did you approached them in the beginning?
    I am referring in particular about PRO registration.
    I am working with one actually, they’ve been listening to my music on Soundcloud (as an “example” of the kind of music I can provide”) with them I just work on briefs so they take care about the whole paperwork process and once it’s done I can find myself as an author on my PRO, as agreed. So everything is fine.
    Now, suppose I am ready with some songs to submit, ready for any exclusive deal, would you suggest to have them recorded on my PRO before submitting? I mean, would this be a “turn off” since the paperwork would be more tricky?
    Indeed when I upload on Pond5 or other non exclusive I do the whole PRO things, but it seems to me the approach with exclusive libraries might be different, any suggestion about it?
    Another thing, would you have a whole album ready to submit? or even few songs maybe with different genres? I mean, might it be more confusing than useful? I often hear that submitting a whole album would be better, since they prefer an album ready, any experience?
    Thank you so much in advance to everyone!

    Art Munson

    Now, suppose I am ready with some songs to submit, ready for any exclusive deal, would you suggest to have them recorded on my PRO before submitting?

    No, they will register and they may have their own idea about titling.


    ok once forever I am fine with it! thanks Art!


    Also, the full album approach is your best bet with the big exclusive libraries. Always check the music releases of the libraries you want to work with thoroughly and you’ll get your answers 😉

    Michael Nickolas

    Always check the music releases of the libraries you want to work with thoroughly

    Quite true. More than once I’ve been told “we would take on your album but we just released one in that style”.


    Quite true. More than once I’ve been told “we would take on your album but we just released one in that style”.

    That was happening for me too. Rather than let go though (How I ended up getting in with a really good library)
    “Would it be alright with you if I check back in with you from time-to-time, and show You what I’ve been working on?”

    Michael Nickolas

    Yep, I’ve been doing that. Still a tough nut to crack.


    BTW, I’m noticing more and more non-exclusive libraries going exclusive. I’ve had a couple switch recently…. even one this week that in the past swore against non-exclusive!

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