are your high-end beyerdynamic and sennheiser headphones loud enough?

Home Forums Hardware are your high-end beyerdynamic and sennheiser headphones loud enough?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Paolo.
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  • #29432

    Good afternoon,

    I’m in the market for beyerdynamic and sennheiser headphones and the tech support for my RME Fireface 800 audio interface said those high-end headphones are power hungry. But he couldn’t tell me HOW power hungry.

    For those of you with these power hungry headphones, do you find the volume drop excessive – lets say going from a closed-back Sony MDR-7506 (about 70 ohms) to beyerdynamic or sennheiser (250-300+ohms)?

    Any info/ insight on this is appreciated.






    There was a discussion a short while ago about choosing headphones for mixing — and a few folks who switched from the Sonys to Sennheiser and beyerdynamic headphones.

    here’s that thread::

    Mixing On Headphones

    What was your experience with volume – was your headphone output sufficient to drive the Sennheiser or beyerdynamics? Were they ALMOST as loud as the Sonys? Or were they too soft and you needed a headphone amp?


    I’ve used Beyer 770 Studio headphones and they seemed loud to me, comparable to Sony MDRV6 or MDR7506. There are a few models of the 770 at different impedances, the lower ones will be louder. The Studio is 80 ohm, I think the 770i is 8 ohm?

    I’ve used Sennheiser HD280 Pro too and way preferred the Beyers. I’m buying a pair for myself pretty soon.



    Thanks for the. feedback – it’s much appreciated.

    I think my issue is going to be with those sennheisers and beyerdynamjcs rated at 200-300 ohms which will be a big jump from the Sony headphones.


    I have a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro (250 ohms) and a pair of Sony MDR7506 (63 ohms online, mine are 20 years old, not sure if they have changed).

    I just A-B compared them. I would guestimate the Sony set is 6 to 8 dB louder if they are tight to the ear. The Sonys are very “bright” above 6kHz and make the Beyers sound very “honky” in the 600Hz to 1kHz in comparison.
    The Beyers are my go to headphones for the past 3-5 years. I use them to make weekly live to 2-track rehearsal recordings for a band. The mixes generally translate well on my Genelec 8040A’s
    My headphone mixes done on the Sonys generally are lacking in HF content.


    I just A-B compared them. I would guestimate the Sony set is 6 to 8 dB louder if they are tight to the ear….

    Alan you’re the man! I really appreciate you taking the time to A-B them and sharing the result. I was wondering if I nwould need a headphone amp but it’s good to know that even with that much of a db reduction that the mixes are translating well to your Genelecs.

    Thanks again!

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