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    Hi Folks! I know we’ve seen a few topics on this. For those of you that switched from ASCAP to BMI: have you found it was a good choice? Any hurtles that were painful during the process?

    Just trying to gather information on whether I should start into this process or not. I’m getting super frustrated with ASCAP low payouts, as they are getting lower and lower even though my statements are getting longer and longer.

    If it helps: my tracks are primarily instrumental TV usage type tracks.

    Thanks in advance!

    Btw, Art: the new site format looks really nice. It’s definitely easier to scroll, navigate, and has a better vibe overall.

    Art Munson

    Hi Vlad,

    Have you seen this link? An older thread but might help you.

    BMI vs ASCAP on royalties

    Glad you like the new look for MLR!


    Thanks Art, yes I’ve checked it out. I remember when MichaelL originally made the leap. Curious how that has turned out over time.


    BMI is not the savior here IMO. They have significant problems of their own, although somewhat different than ASCAP.

    Whether or not they will be better for you – only you can determine, and it will most likely take years to know for sure.

    As for longer statements and lower payouts – that’s a BMI thing too. My statements are 4-5x’s longer than they used to be, and littered with $0.01 payouts. When questioned about my catalog and placements being 3+ times larger than in the past, but payments not growing accordingly, BMI had no answer other than “their computers figure it all out and they are always right”.

    That was back in the day when you could actually get ahold of a human. Post Covid – good luck with that.

    Best of luck with your decision.

    Art Munson

    Let’s not hijack the thread please and comment on the new BMI letter here:

    BMI For Profit


    LA Writer, thanks for the input. Much appreciated. It does have me reconsidering.

    Art, okay I will check that link. I guess it’s good timing to be seeing this new BMI news before making any painful decisions.

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