Batch creating audio watermarked preview files.

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  • #18816
    Art Munson

    Back in 2010 I wrote here about finding a solution to automate the process of creating MP3 preview files for my catalog. Basically adding an audio watermark so a potential client could download a song to try in their project before purchasing without the worry of someone using the music without paying. As I said then, “the one element I had been hitting a wall on was how to automate the creation of a few hundred MP3 “preview” files from my wav files. I needed the preview files to include a mixed in voice that says “Preview” every 5 or 10 seconds. Sure it’s easy to do one at a time but a few hundred? Nauseating drudgery to say the least!”.

    That original program stopped working what with various OS updates and the company disappeared. So I started looking again. Tough to find the appropriate keywords to do an effective Google search on such a niche product. Finally I  stumbled across a program called AG Audio Watermark Generator. It’s similar to the  original program but this one works on Mac and Windows. Some of the features are:

    • Merge Files
    • Multiple file processing
    • Built-in Audio Preview Player
    • Choose any output file format you like
    • Modify Output File Name
    • Save a preset for each settings.
    • Drag & drop
    • Multiple Watermark Files

    There is a free demo but the license fee is only $10 so it’s well worth the money.

    Link is here:

    BTW I have no financial interest in this. I was happy to have discovered an inexpensive solution to a vexing problem and it’s worth passing on.


    Art Munson



    I purchased this program (paid 10$ if I recall correctly) and it’s really worthwhile. It’s saving me a lot of time. Highly recommended.

    Adi Goldstein

    Thanks so much for your lovely feedback Art ! really appreciate it !

    By the way, Dont forget to check out also the free tool i have for Tags

    Enjoy it !



    I downloaded the Mac version it to check it out, but it crashes every time I try to launch it… Anyone else have that happen?

    Art Munson

    I downloaded the Mac version it to check it out, but it crashes every time I try to launch it… Anyone else have that happen?

    . Check with Adi on his website, he should be able to help you out.


    I downloaded the Mac version it to check it out, but it crashes every time I try to launch it… Anyone else have that happen?

    Works here Blind 10.9.5.


    I use Audio Watermarker 5.1 and then PFrank for renaming the file names according to my own naming convention. But I haven’t figured out how to do it all in one shot (including Meta Data).


    Version 1.2

    Just updated the app to version 1.2 with more user flexibility.
    1.Now you can input a free values for both start and repeat time.
    2.Now When merging you can add a silence gap between your original tracks.
    3.One more watermark “Preview” Preset added.(female)
    4.Fixed the “Open folder” on mac button.

    Enjoy, and please subscribe for more updates.


    Hi Guys,

    As I approach to the next update release for the Audio Watermark Generator, I want to make sure you will stay happy with the new update and fulfils all your audio-watermarking needs in the future.

    Please take a moment to fill in this 30sec feedback/Wishlist survey.

    I truly appreciate and depend on your feedback.


    Watermark Generator Survey

    Art Munson

    Hey Adi, you need a comment field in your survey.

    There is a bug where I have to re-set the slider to 128 kb every time I load my pre-set (the preset is set to 128 kb). If I don’t do that the mp3 file will render to 320 kb.

    Art Munson

    BTW, great program!


    Thanks Art, I know this bug and it will be fixed too in the upcoming version.. 🙂

    Appreciate it 🙂


    Ive added a comment line 🙂

    Thanks for the advice..

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