BMI 11-18-22 Distribution

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    Royalties are out. BMI’s website is having issues. Wondering if that’s a bad sign, too many people trying check their statements?


    Ha! I get my $$ via direct deposit, so I know late Thursday before distribution what the news will be. This distribution was very good.

    Art Munson

    Same here, login issues and direct deposit. Not a particularly great qtr though.


    Not as great as the previous 2-3 statements but still very decent. International royalties saved the day, highest payment ever by far. They surpassed US royalties for the first time.


    Yes. Here, Foreign was 3X’s Domestic which was lackluster. Overall excellent.


    After more detailed analysis, some observations that may or may not be helpful for anyone :

    – Domestic broadcast payouts are continuing to slide down. This quarter saw a precipitous drop. Is this the beginning of the end? Time will tell, but I’ve been expecting this for awhile.

    – International saved the day. France was beyond exceptional for me. I don’t know if they were making up for past arrears or what, but I really hope this is consistent next quarter. But probably not. My guess is they were catching up. Really, if this was an indicator for all countries, I could have a beach house and new cars too. LOL. That’s never going to happen though, but thank you France!! Germany gets a very solid honorable mention!

    – Netflix continues to obfuscate their performances – no surprise, including the exclusion of a HUGE playing show that I know from past royalties that was playing solidly on their platform during that period. I’m not even going to pursue it. Even if I got them to acknowledge their screw up, it would only pay out a few hundred $$. Netflix continues to manipulate to their advantage.

    – Kudos to Hulu for being the best paying, and more forthright on their performance numbers. If all were like Hulu, maybe there is a sliver of hope for the future of broadcast royalties.

    – The international market as mentioned in my previous post made this an excellent – close to all time high – payout.

    – SOME GOOD NEWS! Old catalogs sometimes do pay out. NICELY! A group of CD’s that I did for one of the big PMA libraries over 10 years ago is finally starting to pay out. On the international front. They have done pretty much nothing on the domestic market, and I lost faith in this dominant library. Go figure. It’s all what I call “evergreen” music though, so hopefully it will see even more success in the future.

    – DIVERSIFY. Musically. (Especially important). Company wise. (Important) And Show wise. (Often overlooked, but also very important). Pretty much any way you can – diversify!! That’s pretty much the only way sustained royalties are going to save you. My personal observations from 25 years of doing music specifically targeted towards production music libraries.

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