BMI and 'Registered' Works In Catalog

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    Anyone ever have a work shown as Registed in the Work Registration section, but it not show up in your catalog? They’re not showing up when I search for them either. Hopefully I’m worrying over nothing and it takes another day for the Work and Work # to show up in my catalog.


    Anyone ever have a work shown as Registed in the Work Registration section, but it not show up in your catalog? They’re not showing up when I search for them either. Hopefully I’m worrying over nothing and it takes another day for the Work and Work # to show up in my catalog.

    There is a time lag between when you register and when it shows up in your catalog. BMI will send you an email when the track is successfully registered.


    Anyone ever have a work shown as Registed in the Work Registration section, but it not show up in your catalog? They’re not showing up when I search for them either. Hopefully I’m worrying over nothing and it takes another day for the Work and Work # to show up in my catalog.

    I just went through that about a month ago when Indie tracks registered the retitled songs to my BMI account. While they were actually registered, You couldn’t see any of those songs there in my works catalog. My other stuff was there, but not these. I waited for weeks for them to show up next to my other songs. Finally, Indie tracks emailed BMI them and I emailed them. BMI responded saying that for some reason my account wasn’t showing up in their data base even though my other songs were visible and that it could take a couple of weeks to fix it. A couple of weeks went by and still the new cues weren’t showing up. After more follow up emails they said they would expedite fixing this with their other office wherever they are that fixes these things. Finally, a couple of weeks later, everything was fixed and showing up.
    It usually just takes a few days or a week at most for my registered songs to show up and I get the email. Much after that might be worth an email. They do occasionally have technical issues like everybody else.


    All my Works show up under catalog a lot of them say depending Society review and to the left of them it said it’s already registered so I’m guessing all my Works already registered it’s the royalties I’m waiting on


    All of my works in my catalog said pending society review, and then all of a sudden it went from 7 to 4. So I’m assuming that the society did not approve those songs. But why

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