Can't read comments – lifetime account

Home Forums Feedback Can't read comments – lifetime account

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by euca.
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  • #8479

    Hi Art,

    I’m a lifetime account person and I’ve noticed that search for libraries in the database won’t allow me to view the comments. Productiontrax is one.  When I search for and load that libraries review section it says “You do not have permission to view the comments.”

    If I browse to the same location, I can read all the comment just fine. Seems like a quirk in the Google search function. Just something I noticed…. might be normal challenges of the technology.

    Art Munson

    You most likely have to enter any particular library through to have access to the comments.


    @soundslikejoe, if you load through the google search you can use the arrows to go to the next library listing then go back to the original and the comments will be visible. Not an elegant work around but it works.

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