changing identity…

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    I am new to this whole library thing, going on my second year. For some reason I quickly hooked up with ASCAP early on. At the time I thought I would use my real name. But as time goes by I wish I had used something else instead. Does anyone know if it’s possible to do this, or has anyone else tried to do this before? Thanks!


    I am new to this whole library thing, going on my second year.For some reason I quickly hooked up with ASCAP early on.At the time I thought I would use my real name.But as time goes by I wish I had used something else instead.Does anyone know if it’s possible to do this, or has anyone else tried to do this before?Thanks!

    ASCAP allows you to use three, maybe more, pseudonyms. I have three.
    BMI also allows you to use multiple pseudonyms.


    Thanks for your reply MichaelL. The only information I found at the ASCAP site was their \”Online Title Registration Guide\” on page 1, step 3:

    3. Entitled Parties – Writers and Publishers of the work. If unknown, indicate the party is unknown on the registration.
    a. The name spelling should be consistent with ASCAP’s records (This includes patronyms and registered pseudonyms).

    ===It mentions pseudonyms but not how to register them. I guess I\’ll need to call them tomorrow.


    I just talked to ASCAP, so here’s how to add a pseudonym.

    1. Login to your account
    2. Go to Member Service Inquiry above the logout button
    3. Select My Membership under category
    4. Select Pseudonym – Add (MA) under topic.
    5. Type in the pseudonyms you want to associate with your account (up to 3).
    6. Press Continue.

    Then ASCAP will assign an IPI# (CAE#) for each new name.


    You’re good to go.
    Back when I joined ASCAP you couldn’t “login.” There was no internet. πŸ˜†




    Why do you NOT want to use your real identity? Curious… (Have you tried a phonebooth?) πŸ˜‰

    Seriously, I’m curious. Does it have to do with what comes up on Google searches?



    Why do you NOT want to use your real identity? Curious… (Have you tried a phonebooth?)

    Seriously, I’m curious. Does it have to do with what comes up on Google searches?

    I’m sure there are any number of reasons, like writing in different genres. In the past, many musicians and actors changed their names to be more “American,” and avoid prejudice. For example Tony Bennett was really Anthony Benedetto. Sometimes artists use pseudonyms to avoid contract or union problems, when playing on another persons CD or label. Sometimes your real name doesn’t convey the image that you want…if that matters to you. Which sounds more hip and edgy, Pink or Alecia Beth Moore?

    When I was writing full-time for an exclusive library (one CD per month) THEY asked me to pick pseudonyms. They didn’t want their clients to see the same name all the time and get burned out..i.e, overexposure. I know that it seems counterintuitive, if you’re trying to establish your “brand.” But, it’s not really, if you are working outside your “brand.”

    Today, with some libraries saying “you can’t be in our library if you’re are in library X, or participate in content ID,” it might make sense to create a different persona for that purpose (with different cues of course).

    It may be beneficial to separate your A, B, C and D work under different names, and market those tracks where you feel appropriate. It’s kind of like “re-titling” yourself. Think like a corporation marketing different levels of the same product, e.g. Toyota / Lexus.




    I have 2 reasons for wanting to do this.

    I would like to be more anonymous. I write in several genres and don’t want to be Associated with any one type. People love to Peg others into a category. Probably something leftover from the primitive part of our brains.

    And speaking of primitive brains…

    This may sound ridiculous to you, but the other reason is that I’m starting to produce a number of hard rock/metal pieces and some people MAY have a problem with this. Think conservative idealogues. There are corners of this country (US) that are so conservative it’s scary. At least to me anyway.

    Anyway, in a nutshell that is why I would like to use a pseudonym. Thanks for asking.

    Art Munson

    This may sound ridiculous to you, but the other reason is that I’m starting to produce a number of hard rock/metal pieces and some people MAY have a problem with this.Think conservative idealogues.There are corners of this country (US) that are so conservative it’s scary.At least to me anyway.

    Great point Pat!


    Thanks Art. Originally I was a little hesitant to mention this.

    The Dude

    I thought I would resurrect this thread because I’ve been thinking about pseudonyms, specifically related to my PRO (BMI). Are all pseudonyms linked to the same CAE number? Has anyone tried to update any existing works to a new pseudonym?

    The reason I ask is that I have some stuff with a retitle library that starts with a “C”, mostly vocal songs. I see more of the “We won’t work with you if you have music with retitle libraries” every day, and thought I would see if anyone has any knowledge or experience with removing works or updating them with BMI. I always treat every track as if it was exclusive, but I know some companies have zero tolerance for this sort of thing.



    Im not with BMI but with a European PRO. Ive got a few pseudos for various reasons, and they all show up in my online account, but with different CAE numbers.I guess most PROs handle this pretty much the same way.
    Regarding registering old tracks on your new pseudonym I have never tried that. Just send BMI an email and ask?
    I don`t think removing works and register all over is the best way to do it.

    The Dude

    Thanks Kenny!

    I’m going to email BMI about it, but I thought I would ask to see if anyone has any experience with this. I’ve never had any real reason to contact my PRO before, I don’t know if they’ll be very responsive.


    @The Dude, did you get any answer from BMi about pseudonyms?

    The Dude

    I got zero information from BMI. I was also told that “we aren’t supposed to talk about music libraries because they do what BMI does” (slightly paraphrased). The person that said that literally refused to address my questions. I was then directed to someone else’s voicemail, who never called me back. I didn’t persist with further calls because the whole experience made me feel like I was dealing with Comcast. And believe it or not, I was articulate and very polite.

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