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Tagged: Audiam, YouTube Content ID
- This topic has 28 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by soph.
June 13, 2013 at 11:49 am #10338JDGuest
From the creators of Tunecore…. http://www.audiam.com
Me thinks this is going to get messy(er).
June 13, 2013 at 12:07 pm #10339Art MunsonKeymasterYes indeed. Here’s their FAQ:
What is Audiam?
Audiam gets artists paid when their music is used on YouTube.
Where does the money come from?
Advertising. Advertisers pay YouTube for ads on videos. YouTube takes a percentage of this ad money and pays out the rest. When YouTube gets paid, so do you.
How does it work?
Audiam is free to use.
To get going:
Create a free Audiam account,
Upload a recording(s) of your song(s)
Tell us the song name, the artist and who wrote the song.Once we get the song and information, we then go to work using our own and YouTube’s technology to find all the videos in YouTube that have your music in it. When we find these videos, we authorize YouTube to put text ads and/or commercials in or on the videos. When those ads generate advertising revenue, the advertiser pays YouTube and we get you your share.
Click here to get a free PDF explaining in detail Why YouTube Must Pay You When It Makes Money on Your Videos.
When does an ad generate revenue?A video generates revenue if the text or banner is clicked on or if the whole commercial, or a minimum of 30 seconds of the commercial, is watched.
Can’t I do this myself?
You can do this by yourself if you are able to enter into direct licensing agreements with YouTube for the recording of the song (called the “Master”) and the lyrics and melody of the song (called the “Composition”).
Audiam has these contracts as well as staff and infrastructure to:
Find videos that use your music
Get text ads or commercials placed in or on them
Increase the amount of ad money you make
Teach you how to get found more often in YouTube
Get you your share of the money
Make sure other people are not telling YouTube they own your musicWhat rights am I granting Audiam and for how long?
You’re granting Audiam the right to exclusively represent your recordings (the Master) and lyrics and melody (the Composition) for YouTube for the world for twelve months from the day you submit a song to us for the first time. The term renews for another twelve months (renewal is free) unless you choose to cancel. We’ll give you plenty of notice when the annual term is about to expire, so you can choose to opt out of renewal (also free).
You can read the full Terms and Conditions here.
Why Do You Need Exclusive Rights?
We need the exclusive right because YouTube requires us to have the exclusive right.
Do I still control my rights?
Yes. Audiam does not own your copyrights, you do. We work for you.
What do I need to use Audiam?You need:
the rights to the music
a way to upload the song to us
information on who wrote the song
a valid email address
to be over 18 (or have your parent or guardian represent you)
to be a resident of any country in the world except for the United States (the service will be open to U.S. artists shortly).Why can’t residents of the U.S. use Audiam right now?
We are refining the service and will be launching it shortly for U.S. residents very soon.
What’s an ISRC and do I need one?
“ISRC” stands for “International Standard Recording Code.” You pay an organization, and they give you a unique number that you can choose to associate with one of your songs. You don’t need one, but if you have one for your song you can use it at Audiam.
NOTE: YouTube doesn’t track the use of recordings of song by ISRC codes.
Do I need to include album information?
Does my song need to have been “released” or made available on iTunes or publicly some other way?
Do I have to “control the rights” to the recording of the song (the “Master”) to use Audiam?
How do I know if I “control the rights” to the recoding of the song (the “Master”)?
You control the Master if:
You recorded the song and never assigned the rights to the recording to anyone else (for example, by signing a label/record contract), or
Someone else assigned the rights of their recording to you.If you recorded the song yourself, you probably control the rights.
Do I have to “control the rights” to the lyrics and melody (the “Composition”) for YouTube to use Audiam?Yes, you must control at least some percentage of the lyrics and melody (the “Composition”). If you control or own the Composition, in whole or in part, we’ll get you your share of the money, just as we do for the recording of the song (the “Master”).
How do I know if I “control the rights” to the lyrics and melody (the “Composition”) for YouTube?The lyrics and melody to a song are called a “Composition.” If you wrote the lyrics and melody (alone or with others), then you (and any others you wrote the song with) own all or some of the “Composition.”
You would only lose this right if you assigned it to someone else.
What if more than one person wrote the lyrics and melody (the “Composition”)?If someone else co-wrote the lyrics and melody (the “Composition”) with you, they may control a percentage. Audiam only represents you, not them, and we’ll get you your share of the money. Co-owners of the Composition either need to find a way get their share of the money themselves or join Audiam and have us get it for them.
Can I use Audiam if I’m a member of a Performing Rights Organization (PRO)?
Yes. There are no conflicts or problems. You are free to be a member of PROs like ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, GEMA, JASRAC, PRS and any others.
Can I use Audiam if I’m NOT a member of a Performing Rights Organization (PRO)?
Yes. There are no conflicts or problems.
Does Audiam get any of my money from a PRO?
Why am I sending Audiam a copy of my song?
When we get a copy of your recording, it is digitally “fingerprinted” by both Audiam and YouTube so we can scan through billions of videos in YouTube to find the ones that are using it.
We won’t give away, share, sell or use your recording in any other way.
What kind of audio files can I upload?You can upload any .mp3, .mp4 or .wav file. Upload files with the highest bit rate you have. No embedded tags, please.
What happens after I’ve uploaded my song and information to Audiam?After we get your song and information, your recordings get digitally “fingerprinted.”
Next, all the billions of videos in YouTube (past, present and future) begin to get scanned on an ongoing basis to see if there is a match between the digital “fingerprint” of your recording and the music in the video. When a match is found, we tell YouTube to allow advertising to be sold on that video.
NOTE: When YouTube gets paid for the ad, so do you.
How long until I see results?
About 12-48 hours after you upload your song to Audiam, a digital “fingerprint” is made and then the search begins to find videos on YouTube with your music in them. It can take anywhere from four days to four weeks to scan the billions of videos on YouTube to find the first results.
What if I already know of videos in YouTube that have my music in them?
If you already know about or have found videos on YouTube that have your music in them, email the YouTube URL(s) to: YouTubeVideo@audiam.com. We’ll target the specific videos and get YouTube to allow ads to be sold on them as soon as possible.
What if the YouTube video only uses a part of my recording?When the video is found, we can still cause an ad to appear and get you your proportional share of the money.
What if the YouTube video with my music in it plays on a webpage that is somewhere else besides YouTube?
No matter where the YouTube video appears on the Web, Audiam will make sure you get paid when YouTube gets paid.
Do I make money every time a YouTube video with my music in it is watched?
No. If there is a text or banner ad on the YouTube video with your music in it and the watcher clicks on the text or banner, you make money. If there is a commercial before or after the video and the watcher watches up to 30 seconds or the entire commercial, you make money.
The bottom line is, you get paid when YouTube gets paid.
How do I get links to “buy my music on iTunes, Google Play & AmazonMP3” to appear below videos that have my music in them?
Videos that have your music in them can only get these links if:
Your music is already available to buy in those services (if its not, we recommend you use SongFlow or DistroKid to distribute your music into the music services), and
You entered the same ISRC or Song Identifier on the “Add a Song” page in Audiam that you provided iTunes, Google or Amazon.We deliver this information to YouTube along with which videos have your music in them. YouTube, through its own relationships with these stores, gets information from iTunes, Google Play and AmazonMP3 that allows it to create a link to buy your music in their stores. This link appears on YouTube below the videos.
NOTE: it can take as long as four weeks for these links to appear. In addition, they do not appear 100% of the time. The best was to make sure the buy links appear is to already have your music live in the stores and enter the ISRC or Song Identifier when you’re at the Audiam “Add a Song” page.
Can I see the ad revenue and other analytical information about the YouTube videos with my music in them?
Yes. We’ll provide you this information as close to real time as we can. YouTube sends us the data and we give it to you.
Can the person who used my music in his or her video stop us from allowing YouTube to place ads on it?
No, but if they don’t like having ads on the video, the only thing they can do is take the video down.
How much money do I make?
That depends on a few factors, including the type of ad (such as a text ad or a commercial), how popular the video is and what company sold the ad (such as Google’s ad sales division or YouTube’s ad sales division). You’ll be able to log into your own YouTube account and see the information and know exactly how much you are making off of each view.
YouTube has written up a lot of information about their different types of ads. You can read more about them here.
Will I be notified when data and money have come into my account?Yes.
What percentage does Audiam take?
Audiam has a 25% administration fee of whatever it collects from YouTube. The rest goes to you.
How and when do I get paid?
Audiam will get you your money via check, PayPal, direct deposit or another money transfer method. Right now, as we are in Beta, we are paying out the money you earned within 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. Our goal is to get this to as close to real-time reporting as possible.
Can I do a deal with a label or someone else while I am in a deal with Audiam?
Yes, they would just inherit your Audiam account.
What if I use my own song in my own video?
Because of the way YouTube set up its own systems, this presents some problems. You have three choices:
You can choose not to have any ads appears on your own video and make no money from the views.
You can allow us to authorize YouTube to put ads on your video to make money when it’s viewed.
You can link your YouTube account to Audiam, and we will then tell YouTube to place ads on all of your own videos. This may increase the amount of money made from the views.June 14, 2013 at 5:44 am #10344MichaelLParticipantWe’ve discussed this subject ad nauseum. It seems that the root of the issue is that Youtube content ID doesn’t operate invisibly. I don’t know why it doesn’t. If they didn’t post copyright warnings, and simply collected money from advertisers, there should be no problem, and we could all participate, without causing grief for RF libraires.
I understand that the copyright notice is meant to stop pirating, but there has got to be a better way. It’s not rocket science.
June 14, 2013 at 6:11 am #10345markGuestAs long as audiam.com is asking their composers first there should be no problem. It is the composer’s decision to participate.
It is when music libraries enter the composer’s catalog into the youtube contentID system without the permission of the composer that the trouble starts. I can name 2 libraries recently that have tried to do this and have had to reverse their policies almost immediately because of composer complaints.If they didn’t post copyright warnings, and simply collected money from advertisers, there should be no problem,
Sorry but there would still be a problem. When a client pays to not have adsense ads placed on top of their videos that is what they expect, no adsense ads.
Even if there was no copyright notice they would still get ads placed on their videos and their right to earn revenue from their youtube channel would be revoked.We have discussed this ad nauseum but there still seems to be lots of confusion about the youtube contentID system.
June 14, 2013 at 6:18 am #10346markGuest“How much do you make off of youtube ads?”
My assistant Jordi has a friend who posted his short film on youtube that unexpectedly went viral and so far they have had 4 million views.
They monetized the video and so far they have earned 200 Euros for every million views.
They earned that directly.
If you are splitting it with another company you would split that in half.
100 Euros for 1 million views.
It is not like PRO royalties and if you are looking for a big payout for a few thousand views on youtube I am thinking you will be sorely disappointed.June 14, 2013 at 6:33 am #10347markGuest“You’re granting Audiam the right to exclusively represent your recordings”
This is the main clause you are looking for. As long as it is exclusive there is no problem whatsoever.
According to the YOutube ContentID TOS you can only enter exclusive material into the database. That is what audiam.com is proposing to do.
I don’t see a problem here at all. What would the issue be?June 14, 2013 at 6:53 am #10350MichaelLParticipantThanks Mark, for the info. It’s greatly appreciated.
Sounds like content ID is still a waste of time, in terms of it’s monetary return, and will be for the foreseeable future.I’ll pass.
June 20, 2013 at 8:43 am #10484BronxbombaParticipantAm I missing something? For exclusivity, where and when does Audiam market the music to potential youtube creators?
August 6, 2013 at 7:52 am #11448AnonymousGuestAs always it depends what your catalog is like, in an interview Jeff Price said that Scott Schreer, who’s ‘Love doctor’ features in more than 100,000 YT videos, is now making $30k a month…which is a lot better than the nothing he was making before.
One in million surely, but with music you never, ever know.I see YT fingerprint as a good thing, inevitable actually.
RF libraries who prevent you from IDing will have to deal with it, none with a grain of salt will willingly give up the potential revenue stream coming from YT.
Probably publishers that will offer a good service managing licensing all across the spectrum are going to be succesful with composers
August 6, 2013 at 8:48 am #11449Mark LewisParticipant@#tag
“RF libraries who prevent you from IDing will have to deal with it,”since the youtube contentID system is an exclusive one I’m not sure what point you are trying to make.
Only libraries that have exclusive rights to the content they represent can enter content into the contentID system. That’s what some libraries, like AS, do now. And other libraries choose not to be involved with the system at all.
Just read the youtube contentID terms of service, it’s pretty straight forward.I’m not sure what your issue is with this.
August 6, 2013 at 8:50 am #11450AnonymousGuestthere’re different level of exclusivity, some are optional.
it seems to have a 12 months duration
August 6, 2013 at 7:43 pm #11497MichaelLParticipantThe important thing to take away from it is that Scott Schreer is not making 30K a month from a Youtube video. He made $120.
The 30K per month referenced in the article comes from his 1,700 cue catalog, which reinforces what has been said here previously about the number of cues it takes to do well.
It should also be noted that a lot of that 30K per month most likely comes from numerous high profile TV themes, that Mr. Schreer has written, including the NFL and NHL on FOX, etc, which reinforces what has been said here about multiple revenue streams.
All of this is important to understand, when making a decision about content ID, which could jeopardize writers’ relationships with many libraries.
I read the article here: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-07-11/a-new-way-for-musicians-to-make-money-on-youtube
August 6, 2013 at 10:38 pm #11511Art MunsonKeymasterLooks like comments made by “#tag” now shows my name. Weird, working on it.
Changed “#tag” comments to “Anonymous”. WordPress does not like the “#” in a commenter’s name. Who is ever using please stop as it screws things up.
August 7, 2013 at 12:42 am #11517soundspotParticipantwe’re here to talk, make mistakes and learn
Well I can guarantee you one way to make a huge mistake quickly as a library composer with music in RF sites, is to enter into the contentID program and monetize your music.
Libraries that don’t tangle with it do it for very simple reasons, they don’t like receiving emails from upset clients asking why ads are being placed over their videos and/or why they cannot monetize their videos or channels. That does not look good for the library or the composer.
I actually had someone upload a track of mine to youtube recently and claim to own the copyright. I don’t know if it was purchased, ripped from Soundcloud or what, but it has caused a huge headache for the library and hasn’t done anything but devalue my reputation.
At the request of the library I uploaded a video to be sure it was triggering the system and indeed it was. I uploaded an instrumental as well as the original to add some weight to my claim, as well as the ISWC, Work ID, registration date and everything I could think of to fight this claim. 3 weeks with no reply to my dispute yet. The client has still not been able to monetize their video and that looks bad for the library (and myself.)
Youtube contentID is an all around disaster as it currently stands in my opinion. I can only see bigger and bigger problems arising from it in the future.
I’m not saying this to be insulting to whoever posted under “anonymous”, but I’m fairly sure you will come to find it being the source of more headaches than whatever small amount of money you might earn, especially if you are selling with RF libraries that don’t allow it.
I personally think it’s doing a lot to drive the monetary value of our music down in the long haul as well, but that’s a conversation for another thread…
August 7, 2013 at 1:33 am #11518Mark LewisParticipantI don’t know if it was purchased, ripped from Soundcloud or what,
What does it say in the copyright claim info area for this video in your youtube account? Since youtube upgraded the contentID system it now always shows the song title, composer name and the company name of the people making the false claim.
Sending a calm but strongly worded email to the company will usually get the false claim removed fairly quickly.
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