Direct Sync Fees

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  • #11837

    Hi community,

    this topic is about exclusive PRO PM libraries.

    I know that direct syncs are handled differently in Europe than in the U.S. or UK but I want to know about your experiences….

    In Europe a fair deal is 100% writers share and a 50/50 share on direct syncs. In 99% of the cases you don`t get a production fee or advances with a 50/50 deal anymore.
    In the U.S. and UK, as far as I know, youll have your 100% writers share, sometimes a 50/50 direct sync fee deal but very often youll get from 200-1500 USD per track, depending on how “big” the library is but “no” direct syncs anymore. Then it`s somehow a kind of direct syncs buy out ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now there are some well known libraries in Europe comming to the idea that they are so good, because they would place a lot of music for the composer on TV,they start to offer 10% direct sync fee, but no production fees or anything else ! I heard that some libraries even keep the whole direct syncs and the composer just has his 100% Pro writers share.

    What do you guys think about that ? Is that a rip off ?
    Or do we have to pray that our music will run nicely on TV so that we`ll get a lot of royalties from our PRO ?



    No one has an opinion on this topic ? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Michael Nickolas

    Ok, here’s an opinion – I feel sync fees should always be split 50/50. One exception is a library I work with that offers only a 35/65 split in their favor, but they do split the publishing 50/50. I find this publishing split to just about make up for the poor sync fee split.

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