Do you have a Music Lawyer?

Home Forums Newbie Questions Do you have a Music Lawyer?

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  • #7736
    Dan P

    Hi Cari:

    I think you have answered your own question!

    One track sold @ said site would make you more money than you made from Ioda.



    Thank you, Michael, Mark, Cari, and everyone for chiming in. And sorry if my initial question pulled us too far away from the original topic. This conversation has given me plenty to chew on, and I value all of your input.


    Michael, if you’re open to it, I’d love to continue this convesation off-thread if possible (I’m at Your back-story and overall approach greatly interest me. I’m at an exciting-yet-scary juncture in my life: ready to take a new path.



    I’m at an exciting-yet-scary juncture in my life: ready to take a new path.

    Hi Matt,

    There’s a lot of that going around. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been there. Now is now different.

    20 years ago, I wanted to move to the country and write music. One problem…there was no internet. That’s all changed. So…we’re downsizing and getting rid of excess baggage, and moving to the country.

    I’m “going to be “hibernating” for a while. Part of the time I’ll be putting finishing touches on the house, getting rid of “stuff”and packing. The rest of the time I’ll be shedding with software and tutorials.

    You can reach me via PM. I’ll be happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability.






    Moving to the country and writing music–that sounds pretty awesome, Michael. Will PM you as soon as I pay for member status. Might be a day or two as I ponder the options (1 week vs. 1 month, 1 year, or even a lifetime subscription…)




    So…we’re downsizing and getting rid of excess baggage, and moving to the country.

    @ Matt, don’t miss the important part. We’re dumping the bling and focusing on what’s important to us. As my wife puts it, living authentically,  For us, that means scaling back, so that we have the freedom to focus on creative endeavors, with less economic pressure. At the end of the day, stuff is just stuff, and it doesn’t feed your soul.

    I hope to hear from you. I think Art’s having a membership sale. Is that over?





    Finally got a membership and sent you a big ol’ sprawling PM.



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