Fable Sounds Broadway Big Band

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    I’m planning to invest in this before the year is over (the Big Band).

    Fable Sounds

    Has anyone out there heard or experienced anything negative about this product?


    I have Broadway Lites. It’s a great library. I got it on sale.
    I haven’t felt compelled upgrade to the Broadway Big Band library.

    I recently bought Projects SAM’s “Swing” and was somewhat disappointed. It’s great for certain types of unison brass and sax lines, but if you want to do any serious big band writing with proper numbers of instruments and voices, you still need something like Broadway Big Band.

    Can I ask why you’re thinking about BBB instead of Sample Modeling’s instruments? Are you looking to do “big band” music or trying for that Broadway “pit orchestra” sound?



    Thanks for the reply MichaelL. I’m mostly interested in straight ahead big band and R&B horn stuff. I wasn’t familiar with the Sample Modeling products. Do you have them? I briefly checked them out and it looks promising and much more affordable. The demo’s I listened to were pretty wet, which concerns me.
    I’ll dig into the site more later.
    Thanks again.


    Hi, Alan!

    SM horns and saxes have long been on my wish list.

    AFIK, Sample Modeling stuff is recorded completely dry, like Peter Siedlaczek’s earlier libraries, and VSL.

    If you’re a wind player (I’m not), using a wind controller can add amazing realism!



    Thanks MichaelL. I just watched this:

    I’m ordering SM Trumpets now


    I just installed SM “The Trumpet 3”
    I won’t be sleeping any time soon 😉
    Thanks for the tip MichaelL

    Art Munson

    I just installed SM “The Trumpet 3”

    Quite a demo!


    Straight Ahead samples are also coming out with a jazz horns library and judging by the demos I’ve heard it would be great for big band. It should have been released May this year but are delayed though, so not sure when it will be available.
    Like Michael, I also got Swing! by project Sam and got a bit disappointed. Its not really flexable enough to do convincing big band pieces on its own, I can’t do it anyway. But it has a nice Fender jazz bass and a pedal steel guitar I have used a lot.
    I have most of the Sample Modeling instruments and they have to be the most playable sampled instruments out there. They all sound great as solo instruments, but I haven’t been able to get them to sound as good in sections. I get some phasing problems when the instruments are playing unison. But I’m sure its user error cause the demos on their site sounds good.


    Aren’t SM physically modelled , no actual samples ?


    They use samples recorded in a anechoic chamber as a source for the physical modeling, I think. As the name implies 🙂 But there are no sampled legato or articulations.

    Mike Marino

    Someone said what i was gonna say. 🙂


    Like Michael, I also got Swing! by project Sam and got a bit disappointed. Its not really flexable enough to do convincing big band pieces on its own,

    SWING is OK if you’re going to layer it. That adds one more touch of realism, especially if you add anything live over it.

    But, you’re absolutely right. You cannot do a convincing Big Bang track with it.

    Straight Ahead samples are also coming out with a jazz horns library and judging by the demos I’ve heard it would be great for big band. It should have been released May this year but are delayed though, so not sure when it will be available.

    Got tired of waiting for that, which is why I bought SWING. The two libraries are like night and day. You can definitely so some serious arranging with the Straight Ahead brass. Live and learn.


    Got tired of waiting for that, which is why I bought SWING. The two libraries are like night and day. You can definitely so some serious arranging with the Straight Ahead brass. Live and learn.

    The exact same reason I bought Swing! And its by no means a useless library as it has many useful patches.


    I’m still on my honeymoon with the SM Trumpet and I already cheated. I bought the saxes today 🙂

    I dropped in a 16 bar 5-way sax soli I was working on and it sounded great before I added any expression controllers. This should be a fun week!


    The saxes are great! Did you get the Kontakt version or the SWAM version?

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