Follow up on Tunesat detections

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    Here’s a common situation:

    Tunesat detects a placement. The placement doesn’t show up on the PRO statement for that quarter.

    This is common. Sometimes the placement shows up one or two quarters later.

    So, at what point does it make most sense to follow up to ensure that the cue sheet has been filed?

    This is a question with no right answer. Just considering best practices and wondering what other composers do.


    Art Munson

    So, at what point does it make most sense to follow up to ensure that the cue sheet has been filed?

    I wait 2 quarters.


    Thanks, Art.

    Also, a related question… What’s the estimated dollar threshold for following up. If a primetime network placement cue sheet is not filed, I would certainly follow up. If a cable placement that will pay $5 is missed, I would let it go. Where is the line?

    I’ve been at this long enough to have a pretty good sense (at least a general range) of what a placement will pay.

    By the way, in my experience the good network placement cue sheets always get filed and usually on time. It tends to be the low paying placements that get missed.


    Great post, I have been thinking about the same thing. Do you follow up with your PRO? And let them know what was missed and attach screen shots of your tunesat detection?


    I have usually been waiting 9 months from airing before following up with ASCAP


    I just wait for the cue sheets to show up with my PRO.


    Check with your PRO for their rules regarding the timing of when you have to notify them of any distribution issues. Usually it’s only a few quarters.


    I read awhile back that ASCAP does not accept Tunesat detections as proof for royalties due. If that’s true, you might have to contact the library that made the placement to see about the cue sheets. Of course, if you have the same tracks in multiple non-exclusive libraries (as I do), you probably wouldn’t know which library to contact. A mass email to multiple libraries asking if they placed your track isn’t always appreciated.

    Art Munson

    If a cable placement that will pay $5 is missed, I would let it go. Where is the line?

    Depends on how often a show repeats and the network.

    By the way, in my experience the good network placement cue sheets always get filed and usually on time. It tends to be the low paying placements that get missed.

    Generally true but not always. MLB and Fox Sports, which pay well, have been problematic.

    Do you follow up with your PRO? And let them know what was missed and attach screen shots of your tunesat detection?

    Follow up with the library first, then the PRO and include a Tunesat spreadsheet with the detections. The Affidavit URL is important.

    Usually it’s only a few quarters.

    BMI 3 quarters back but once you open a query it stays open. At least that’s what I have been told.

    I read awhile back that ASCAP does not accept Tunesat detections as proof for royalties due. If that’s true, you might have to contact the library that made the placement to see about the cue sheets. Of course, if you have the same tracks in multiple non-exclusive libraries (as I do), you probably wouldn’t know which library to contact.

    Neither does BMI. You would have to be discreet and polite if you have many libraries and it does require some detective work but why leave money on the table? Each individual has to decide what is the best use of their time.


    MLB and Fox Sports, which pay well, have been problematic.

    Good to know, thx. Hey does anyone have experience with NBA channel PRO, and if so, how is it? Like for a wrap-up / highlights show?

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