Free Music Licensing Software in Beta Testing

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  • This topic has 57 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by SCP.
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  • #17273
    Mark Lewis

    Is that what you meant by Install Directory?

    I think there are warnings for both, install.php and the install zip file.
    I will make all that more easy/obvious.

    Of course if I have music files on Amazon Servers that might be a bit of a problem. Yes? and most content management packages that have AWS storage have you upload your files to your regular website server first. Then there is usually a CRON that sends the files to an S3 bucket and then deletes the original files on the main server.
    On musicloops when you upload your files they are going to our main server. I then run the audiowatermark script on all the mp3 files.
    Once those songs are done and approved the CRON script moves everything off to AWS and deletes the original files on the server.
    That’s how I would probably setup a audiowatermarking feature for this software as well.

    Art Munson

    That’s how I would probably setup a audiowatermarking feature for this software as well.

    I see, very nice.

    BTW just e-mailed you an example of a csv import file.

    Mark Lewis

    So a few composers have contacted me about including a csv import feature in the software. I think I will go ahead and work on that.
    One composer suggested a standard Soundminer format.
    I guess that is the most widely used and recognized?
    Any other formats that might be appropriate?

    @Art I didn’t get the sample you sent. Do you use the Soundminer format?

    Art Munson

    Hi Mark,

    I just e-mailed it again but it isn’t in the Soundminer format. I doubt I would have a problem with Soundminer as I can export from my database just about anything I need and use Excel to massage the data further.

    Happy Ears

    Regarding import format, I believe .CVS is the most universal format as it can be used by excel and various txt processor. Soundminer would be a nice feature but you can wrangle into and from that format with CSV in excel anyway so if you were to pick only one of the formats, defiantly pick .CSV
    I would love to beta test at some point but very busy at the moment, is there a link where we can quickly take a look at how it looks installed?
    Thank you very much for doing this Mark!

    Mark Lewis

    Yes, we would definitely be using .cvs format for the actual file. I was wondering about the information that is in the .csv file.

    For example, names of the columns in the csv file might be:

    File Name
    Track Name
    Master File
    Preview File
    Mix Type

    Is there a standard that has developed yet in regards to this?

    Mark Lewis

    If you would like to try the MLS beta version you can download it here
    Remember that there still might be a few issues with it until we get the final version done.
    We’re already implementing some of Art’s suggestions.

    Art Munson

    I have it installed here No songs up there yet (or anything else) but will try to get some work done on it today. Ignore the logo, it’s just a placeholder.

    Art Munson

    Another couple of columns could be BMP and/or Tempo. Sometimes a BMP doesn’t accurately reflect a tempo (I use slow, medium slow, medium, medium fast, fast.

    Would also be nice to have the program calculate and display the length (instead of having to type in the length).

    Mark Lewis

    Would also be nice to have the program calculate and display the length (instead of having to type in the length).

    That would be very nice. I have to create that for first 😉

    Art Munson

    @Mark, just entered a genre, tried to edit and took me to a page that displayed genre name, uploaded song and no logo (looks like a partially rendered page) but no way to edit genre.


    @Art Munson “Hipster Hangout” – great track!

    Art Munson

    Thanks Steve.

    Mark Lewis

    Just checked that bug you reported in the beta. It is kind of bizarre.
    I’ll get it fixed. Thanks for letting me know.

    Art Munson

    Thanks, here’s another. If you change Text Color, Link Color or Background Color and try to update you can’t unless you re-upload logo also.

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