Free Music Licensing Software in Beta Testing

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  • This topic has 57 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by SCP.
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    I’m interested in beta testing this. I can also upload my soundminer spreadsheet I made. Should we just continue to post beta test fixes here?

    Mark Lewis

    Hi Huge, that would be great if you could post your spreadsheet. I mainly just need to match our terms to their terms in regards to their standard metadata.

    Should we just continue to post beta test fixes here?

    If Art doesn’t mind that would be great. Since the software is meant to be for the community it would be good if everyone can see what’s going on with it and jump in with comments and suggestions.

    Art Munson

    “Should we just continue to post beta test fixes here?”

    If Art doesn’t mind that would be great. Since the software is meant to be for the community it would be good if everyone can see what’s going on with it and jump in with comments and suggestions.

    That’s absolutely fine with me!


    OK, below is a link to a few useful things:
    1. A spreadsheet of all the soundminer tags available in v4 Pro. (Keep in mind that in their nomenclature, Categories = Genre).
    2. A custom spreadsheet I made to tag soundminer files (Not all tags are present. I only used the ones that were pertinent to me.) Using this is often easier than soundminer.
    3. A PDF from soundminer where they discuss different tagging conventions and try get a standard going.

    I hope to have some feedback soon.

    Mark Lewis

    Ok, this software is now out of beta and I am testing the first release of the MLS install. We’re rigorously testing it to hopefully find every single bug or issue and it is taking a bit longer than expected but we’re just about there.
    I will post a link to the download here when it is ready.
    I am working on creating a set of instructions for installation on our website at
    And for the composers who are completely artistic and have no clue about servers, php, etc, our programmer will be available to do installations for you for a nominal fee.

    Happy Ears

    That’s awesome Mark, very much looking forward to it. I was about to install your beta version but I’ll guess hold off a bit then.
    The php database set up seemed a little confusing to me but I guess its the same way you instal word press, going into your severs control panel and generate a new database on the domain you want to use….anyway thanks again Mark!


    We have added an option to automatically create the database name directly from the installation page so it will be good to try that first.
    I’m pretty sure that will not work in all cases though as there a many types of servers and configurations. But at least it is there to try.
    If it doesn’t work then yes, you have to go in and create a new database name which is really easy to do once you know where your phpadmin is and can log into it.

    Art Munson

    I would like CSV import of metadata and the ability to designate a path to music stored on another server (I store mine on Amazon’s S3 servers).

    Hi Mark, any news on this front?


    CSV Importer is ready but will be an add-on. We are concentrating on just getting the basic install ready now. But the importer is ready and it does work.

    AWS support will probably take a little longer as there won’t be as big a need for it but it is on our add-on todo list.

    Art Munson

    Great, thanks Mark!

    Mark Lewis

    Ok, the Music Licensing Software basic install is ready.

    You can download the free software install to create your fully functioning music licensing website on your own server here

    There is a public forum on that page as well for questions, suggestions and discussions.
    I’ll create some basic installation directions shortly.
    I will also make the CSV Importer add on available today hopefully, just doing some last minute tests on it.
    We will be charging a small fee for that add on but I thought I would make CSV Importer free to all MLR subscribers in a separate thread if that’s ok with Art.

    I hope you guys/gals like this basic install, I think it turned out pretty cool.

    Mark Lewis

    Just so you can see what a default website looks like when installed here is our active test site.
    All of the songs you see there now have been uploaded with the CSV importer (which got working just now)

    I’m using the ML logo as a placeholder on this site but everything else is what it will look like when you install it.
    Afterwards you will have control over your own logo, text and link and BG colors, text, etc etc.

    Art Munson

    We will be charging a small fee for that add on but I thought I would make CSV Importer free to all MLR subscribers in a separate thread if that’s ok with Art.

    Fine with me Mark. Thanks!

    Art Munson

    Hi Mark, what’s the upgrade procedure for a previous install? I would like to upgrade the beta I already have installed.


    from my programmer: It would be best to completely reinstall as there have been some changes to the database structure.

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