Free Music Licensing Software in Beta Testing

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  • This topic has 57 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by SCP.
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  • #18014
    Art Munson

    Thanks Mark, re-installed.

    Where do I get the importer?

    What’s a good security setting to return to after install? 751?

    Mark Lewis

    Hi Art, I posted the link to CSV importer just now in the Music Library Questions forum. I don’t see the post showing up so you might have to approve it.

    In regards to security settings I have no idea.
    You can post technical questions at and my programmer will help you with those.

    Thanks for being the first composer to install our new software. Hope you like it.

    Art Munson

    Hi Art, I posted the link to CSV importer just now in the Music Library Questions forum. I don’t see the post showing up so you might have to approve it.

    I don’t see it either. What topic did you post under?

    Mark Lewis

    In Music Library Questions.
    Not sure what I named it but it had CSV importer in the title.

    Art Munson

    Not sure what I named it but it had CSV importer in the title.

    Nope don’t see it anywhere. You can send it to me and I will post if you like or try again.

    Sorry about that.


    First of all Mark thanks a ton for doing this and giving it away for free!

    I have installed it on my webserver (Hostgator) but I have a problem with uploading files to the mediabin. And before I contact the support e-mail address I thought I might as well ask here.

    On the upload page, after trying to upload a file, I get an “Upload error: 404” message and there’s a popup box with the text “Error:error”.

    The mediabin directory exists and its permissions are ste to 777.

    Does anyone know what might fix this error?


    Mark Lewis

    Hi Tim-
    Can you go to the MLS website and post your question?
    Our programmer Guru monitors those messages and he would be more helpful than I could in your case.

    Mark Lewis

    Sorry for the delay Art but here is your upgrade to AWS compatibility for your installed site

    And here is the latest build with windows server compatibility and csv import including outside URLs.

    Art Munson

    Thanks Mark, looking forward to installing it.

    Mark Lewis

    Duration Convertor
    Just wanted to post this handy tool I have that converts minutes:seconds into just seconds. This helps a lot with your csv file when you need to convert a column of durations automatically

    Art Munson

    Hah! You read my mind. I was just thinking about that yesterday. Thanks Mark!


    Mark first let me say this is amazing and thank you for creating this! I do have a question though that makes a big difference for me being able to use it. My audio files all have Images that help describe the music, also album cover artwork for music collections.

    Is it possible to ADD an image to the audio files so it displays? maybe an upload image option when uploading the audio files? –

    I posted this here because the comment software on your main page thought it was spam and wouldnt let me post it there.

    Also now after reading every post and reviewing the demo version, it seems that it would be GREAT if the list of Genres down the left hand side also displayed a number of how many songs/files were in each category! – about to install this now and see what I can make happen!


    Does anyone know if there’s a newer version of Mark’s Music Licensing Software available, preferably one that runs on HTML5…?

Viewing 13 posts - 46 through 58 (of 58 total)
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