Getting out of a contract

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    About three and a half years ago I signed about 30 tracks to an exclusive UK library, they were just starting out and so was I. So far I have had no placements from them and looking at their page on the PRS database they haven’t placed mush else, about 3 tracks out of a library of 3 – 500 tracks.

    Is it reasonable for me to look for a way to get out of the contract? The tracks I have with them are pretty good if I say so myself and I know other libraries who would happily publish them.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


    Would you be willing to say who the library is?

    As to your question, I think you must seek legal advice in the UK.


    No, I won’t name them on here.

    I’m considering just asking them if we can both wwalk away from the contract as a first step….but part of me says just forget about it and something might happen in the future.


    PS. that Captcha is a real pain!


    I know this post is old, but it is possible to get out of exclusive contracts.

    I recently got some songs assigned back to me. I explained that my music had been with the library for a few years and I had not generated any income. The library understood and drafted a letter to terminate the contract.

    Not all companies will do this, but it is definitely worth asking about. Most libraries understand how tough the business is. If they are not getting any action from holding on to songs, it does not hurt libraries to assign the rights back to the composer.

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