Harrison Mixbus3

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    Does anyone have any experience with Harrison Mixbus?

    The newest version looks very interesting, the workflow is very analog. Lately I have been trying to make things much more simple and to the point. Kind of an Andy Wallace approach to mixing.


    I bought the previous version. I like it for mixing, but it didn’t work for me workflow wise. Didn’t want to learn a new daw, and at that time there was no midi. I see the new version has midi capabilities. I loved the analog sound and feel. It’s just an extra step for me to bounce down all my tracks, then import them into Mixbus. If I could do it all within Mixbus, it’d be worth it. ope that helps.


    It might get interesting for Cubase users as Yamaha/Steinberg have formed an alliance with Harrison. Fingers crossed that some of the Harrison-magic rubs off onto a next version of Cubase.


    Or maybe Yamaha will buy it up like Apple (Logic) did with the Alchemy synth.

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