Having a hard time finding orchestral-focused libraries

Home Forums General Questions Having a hard time finding orchestral-focused libraries

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Yuranus.
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  • #32924

    Help? Searching for non-exclusive libraries (I’m newer than new to this, so trying to wrap my head around it all), but have had a hard time finding libraries that are more orchestral focused. If I submit my music to libraries that don’t have a lot of this genre, am I at an advantage because of how my music is more unique, or is that a disadvantage (or does it depend on what they need)? This could be a really simple question, but that’s where I’m at right now.


    Without knowing what you sound like. All I can say is Welcome aboard, and watch the threads, posts, and recent Library Comments…


    Quick orchestration experiment

    To give you an idea…

    Should mention that this isn’t going anywhere, but still a good representation of my style.


    To give you an idea…

    We have some really talented people here on this Forum. (Not sure if they want anyone to shout them out. So, you have to watch as they chime in, and make themselves known) As well, there is a lot of really good advice that gets given here. I would really watch the threads, postings carefully, and “Recent Library Comments”. They will give you up to date info.


    Do try the Step LFO, but you should be able to use the LFO with a small PW – Im concerned by what you say about the timing going off. Could you elaborate on that?

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