How long do you go with an exclusive library…..

Home Forums Newbie Questions How long do you go with an exclusive library…..

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    Working with a library that increasingly sends briefs for what is more and more turning out to be exclusive tracks….They are fairly choosy, so I may take a week to finish the track, and they may go another week with me back and forth asking for tweaks and changes. Have not seen a placement from this library yet, again, not complaining. I have been working with them for a yearend have sent them about 8 tracks. No action, again not earth shattering news with 8 tracks (would send them more but they took a few and I now by their choice don’t regularly send them music, just the occasional custom cues ). Question being though, what is a fair amount of time before I stop uploading.


    Why do you want to stop uploading?

    Chuck Mott

    I send more or less exclusive now and with the changes they ask for I generally spend 2 weeks on the track, takes me out of the loop when I would be writing for other NE. The last few briefs they have asked the tracks be signed off on as exclusive. That and no placements yet as of a year, willing to stick that out but am wondering what folks thoughts were on this. I get antsy and want to go back to being my semi-proplific self with libraries i already upload to regularly.


    I don’t see the problem.

    Just write for this library and write for other libraries too. You can write for many libraries at a time. You should just increase your output.

    Keep working hard and submitting music to all companies that want to work with you.


    It’s kind of hard to judge with 8 tracks in the water. You know the libraries reputation and you might be able to talk to someone at the library to see if you can get a realistic expectation from them. If your sacrificing time with them and losing out on potential income from other libraries then you might have to re-adjust your priorities. The rumor is some top end exclusives pay off big with a small amount of tracks. Is there anyway for you to connect with some of the musicians with that library, and ask how there experience was?

    It might be one of those things where just about the time your thinking of quitting with them they land you a huge placement. I’d try to either talk to the library or some of the musicians that contribute to it, and then go from there.


    I’ve been reading about exclusive vs non- exclusive deals. I’ve recorded mainly classical guitar pieces, although some original music. I’ve been at an impasse….. Do I upload to multiple sites or try secure an exclusive deal? Also, if I upload to other sites, have I eliminated opportunities for an exclusive deal? Exclusive deals seem limting. I didn’t want to have songs sitting in space “collecting dust”.

    I don’t see the benefit of having an affiliation with one exclusive library when I can upload to numerous exclusive ones.

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