I would like to hear different opinions and experiences on using alternate titles on the same track with different libraries. For a while I have been putting tracks different retitle libraries like JP, MD and also on a few RF sites like P5, RS an PT. Mainly to test the waters a bit as I am still a bit unsure of where different tracks works best.
Anyway I have been using a few different pseudos and a couple of different track titles for the various sites. But I`m not really sure if there is any point in doing this? In RF world i use sites where I can set my own price point, and I keep my prices pretty much the same all over. So price shopping between RF sites is not really a concern actually.
So I guess my main question is how useful it really is to use different titles for the RF market and the retitle libraries like JP? As far as I understand they are mostly doing blanket deals anyway so there`s no point for clients to search the web to find a better deal on the same track?