Is a library allowed to add instruments to track?

Home Forums General Questions Is a library allowed to add instruments to track?

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    This is a new one for me. I recently found one of my tracks on a library I belong with and they actually added a synth part to the song. Is this allowed?

    It is nowhere in the contract that they can do this and they take no credit for it as far as I can tell. I recently got a payout for this track. Just curious if anyone has ever had this happen.

    I know some contracts will state that the library can re-record the track if needed but this contract has nothing like that.

    On a positive note the synth part does sound good, but the original track also sounds fine as it was. Maybe they did this for the client and just added it to the library as an alt. mix????

    I’m confused.

    Art Munson

    Have you tried contacting them to ask the question?


    Euca… You mentioned it’s not in the contract here but I have seen clauses in many library contracts that state they have broad permissions to edit your tracks. Usually there is a limitation that they can’t alter the “fundamental character” of the track.

    It sounds like no harm was done here. You got a placement and got paid. As Art suggested, you could contact them and ask.



    Thanks Art and Advice, I did email them, just haven’t heard back yet.

    I don’t think any harm was done either, it’s just a new one for me and I was just seeing if anyone else has ever had experience with something like this.

    Rec Head

    I know most of my contracts allow for my tracks to be remixed by other writers at the same library. In fact I know of one such case where a friend of mine had his work remixed by another writer and it got him some more exposure in the end. Not quite the same as adding an instrument, but similar.


    that’s an interesting situation… do you know if the library would have the rights to take a % of the writer’s royalties just because they added some stuff to the instrumental? Hopefully not


    Mlmusic… No, they would not have that legal right without your permission.

    A library editing your track, adding instruments, etc (other than slicing up into sections such as 30 sec or sting) is pretty rare as far as I know. I’m talking about standard “catalog” libraries. Don’t know enough about custom work for hire situations, but my guess is even there it’s not all that common.

    I have heard of situations on vocal songs whereby the library will replace the vocal with one sung in another language for a given market. Makes sense.

    From my POV, if a library added instrumentation to one of my tracks, placed it, and paid me my full share, I’d be pleased.


    Heard back from the library. The client wanted to use my track but they wanted a synth part added and needed it asap, so to save time the library did it themselves.

    The library did not take any extra credit or $ for the placement and it is an added version to my catalog at their site.

    All is well that ends well and the added part sounds cool also!!


    Good to know! Looks like a win-win situation

    Rec Head

    Hey Euca,

    Any chance you could say which library it was?

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