Joining PPL (UK)

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    Dear Forum
    I am a member of the PRS UK and have been for many years as a ‘writer composer’, with quite a large catalogue of music built up over the years covering different genres. It has been suggested recently that I join the PPL as apparently I may be missing out on ‘performer income’ from use of my tracks. As I write, perform, record, mix and master my material from my own studio (as I’m sure is the same situation with many of you), I wasn’t sure about the relevance or appropriateness of me joining the PPL as well as PRS. I was wondering if any of you could advise on this.

    Art Munson



    Hey Simon,
    PPL don’t collect these kinds of Neighboring Rights on library music. If that’s the bulk of where your productivity lies (as opposed to writing songs) I’d recommend joining an agency dedicated to collecting these rights for library music composers. NRG and Rident are two of the big ones to look into. There’s a lot of paperwork to sign at the beginning, and often have a payout threshold. but they are pretty transparent
    in their accounting. As you’d expect they take a percentage of what they collect. Hope this helps, and good luck!


    Many thanks Julian for the information on this. I’ll have a look at NRG and Rident.

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