- This topic has 16 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Stein_Thor.
March 22, 2015 at 3:36 pm #20991Stein_ThorParticipant
Hello good people of MLR. I have not been a member for long but I´ve been reading posts and I see here are many wise persons and experienced in this world of tv and film music. I´m an icelandic musician, with extensive classical background, but for the past five years my biggest love has been making soundtrack type of music. However, I have not had any place where to put my music. I have won a few songwriting contests, Broadjam 6-pack, Indie international and been finalist in UK songwriting contest. I also have my music in a few libraries, but unfortunately extremely little success.
I have come to the point that I really need some honest critique, I need to hear either that this music is a no go, or that it has potential cause I have had so many people say the music is good but the real world does not agree. I can handle bad critique, and I really need to hear if I´m wasting my time, or if there is potential in what I´m doing.
So I ask you, if you have time,,, can you listen to these 10 tracks, at least some of them and then tell it like it is, cause I really don´t want to waste my money and my time in something that is not worth it,, cause I do have active music life as a classical performer.
the link is here below,
Thank you in advance
Stein Thor
IcelandMarch 22, 2015 at 4:18 pm #20993Art MunsonKeymasterBump
March 22, 2015 at 4:19 pm #20994MichaelLParticipantHello Stein.
I listened to your music. You are indeed a very good composer. Your music is excellent, and very “filmic.” But, sadly excellent music and commercially viable music are often two very different things in this crazy business.
Where do you picture your music being used, and how do you see its function? Who do you think is the audience for your music? In the US the target audience is between the ages of 18 and around 35, with variances for gender. Media interest in content for older audiences declines after 35 (give or take a few years).
What libraries have you tried, without success? You must match your music with a library, or libraries that have the capacity to get it to the most its likely users.
In your case I would say that is not reality / cable TV focused libraries, like JP, SK, etc (forgive the abbreviations we’re not allow to mention names).
Although, I think you would sell some on royalty free sites. I think your best best would be to approach top tier exclusive libraries (whose names I cannot mention).
I see your music as being attractive to an older audience, with other demographic variations that I’d rather not discuss, but definitely a sophisticated audience.
I would try putting your music into collections of ten similar compositions, such as dramatic music, classical music, piano solos, etc, with all of the standard edits: full-length, 60 second, 30, second, 15 second, a stinger, and bed mix. Then submit the full collections to upper-tier exclusive libraries.
Best of luck. Your music is very good.
March 22, 2015 at 4:30 pm #20999Stein_ThorParticipantThank you,,, this is probably the most helpful info I have had for a long time,, 🙂 I’m very grateful
March 22, 2015 at 4:34 pm #21001MichaelLParticipantI added a bit more while you were typing. Please read again.
March 22, 2015 at 4:40 pm #21003Stein_ThorParticipantAgain I thank you, I will go carefully over all this in the morning. (Bedtime here in Iceland 🙂 )
BTW how does one approach upper tier libraries?
March 23, 2015 at 2:11 am #21004PolarSoundsParticipantHi Stein,
very nice music! I’m a beginner in the library world myself so you have to decide yourself how much my opinion weights.
After one listen I think the solo piano tracks are great, both composition and production. The orchestral tracks on the other hand is still good compositions, but to me it sounds too artificial. Especially the strings sounds “midi”. What samplelibraries are you using? I think you would have an even better chance to get into the right libraries if you could improve the sound and production of your orchestral music. That is a feedback I’ve had from libraries on some of my own tracks, so I don’t submit orchestral tracks anymore except when I’m sure the sound is on the right level.
Again, this is the opinion of a beginner in this game, but I hope it can be of some help anyway. 🙂
And I’m still looking for the right place to submit my cinematic stuff myself, but will let you know if I find it.March 23, 2015 at 2:39 am #21006Stein_ThorParticipantHi,,, thank you for this, I´m using a few libraries that are supposed to be quite good, Berlin strings, 8dio, Cinematic Strings, Spitfire audio. Been trying to get better in the cinematic aspect but obviously I need to work it better, maybe then particularly on mix/mastering level.
Thank you for you advice :), and yes, please let me know of a good place, although I´m sure this is a bit like looking for gold, you really should not tell if you find a vein 😛
March 23, 2015 at 3:14 am #21008PolarSoundsParticipantIts definitely subjective this whole thing with realism in music composed with sample libraries, so I wouldn’t take my word for it:-)
And it seems you have the right tools for the job, judging by your libraries. I’m listening to your tracks again as a write this, and its the arco strings that give it away for me. But as you are doing a much better job at this than me, I can’t give any suggestions how to improve it:-)
Can I ask what piano you are using? Sounds really good.Off topic: I visited Gardabaer 2 years ago, and I have to say Iceland is a beautiful place. Would love to go back.
March 23, 2015 at 5:45 am #21010MichaelLParticipantI did not evaluate instrument sounds only the style and quality of composition with regards to music libraries.
March 23, 2015 at 7:35 am #21017PeteJParticipantInteresting, Good sample libraries yet I found the sound a touch too artificial as well. Good music but maybe a rather pot-boiler-ish to make the required first impression? I’m no expert but this would be my reaction.
Takes some courage to post it here so respect…
March 23, 2015 at 9:33 am #21023Stein_ThorParticipantThank you all for your comments, this helps me a lot. I find it better to hear it like it is rather than waste my time, libraries time, and maybe even my money if I go that rout on something that is not up to standard 🙂 Better to use the time and try to get better.
I use a few piano samples, Imperfect Fazioli is my most used, I also use 8dio Steinway on something and then one of the songs is a recording of a real piano.
March 23, 2015 at 9:34 am #21024Stein_ThorParticipantIf Garðabær was the only thing you saw then, yes, you should come back :),,, not exactly a scenic place, I live in the next town to it.
March 23, 2015 at 12:55 pm #21034Desire_InspiresParticipantWhen it comes to creating orchestral music with sample libraries, a part of me says “why bother?”
Someone can spend thousands on hardware, thousands more on software, thousands more on lessons and tutorials. Even after all of that, that person can be told “sounds too midi”. Isn’t that a kick in the head!
I guess that if I were going to make orchestral music, I would just become an orchestral musician. The idea of becoming a world-class orchestral composer without an orchestra behind me sounds strange to say the least.
Plus, the though of making orchestral-caliber music just to submit to music libraries with no upfront fee seems futile. All of that passion and training and money just to get rejected by some music library seems very harsh.
I do not think composers should simply delete their software and trash their computers. No one should feel disheartened by being told “sounds too midi”. Midi or sample libraries are not bad at all.
I just think that the return on investment is too far away for most individual composers. There is a lot of music in between the spectrum of orchestral music and pop music that works with some of those awesome orchestral sample libraries.
Just some thoughts that popped into my head.
March 23, 2015 at 1:21 pm #21046PolarSoundsParticipantStein_Thor
If Garðabær was the only thing you saw then, yes, you should come back :),,, not exactly a scenic place, I live in the next town to it.I just stayed and worked in Gardabær, but got to see Reykjavik and had some guided tours in the surroundings in addition to the gas station at Gardabær.
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