Library Ratings

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    Hi guys!

    I am a total newbie on this forum and I am still trying to understand how often the library’s ratings change on this website. For instance, has Pond5 been on top for a long time or is it something recent? Are these numbers changing often during short periods of time?

    Would love to know more about it!

    Art Munson

    how often the library’s ratings change on this website.

    They stay fairly steady but you can’t go by the ratings alone. There are a lot of factors with plenty of people making money with libraries that don’t show up here. YMMV!


    Thank you so much for the reply Art Munson! So what other ways do you suggest for me to find the best libraries for what I do ? For example, my thing is more to the rock genres, but I also love composing dark sci fi cinematic things. How can I know which libraries would fit better for this case?

    Art Munson

    How can I know which libraries would fit better for this case?

    Most libraries carry a variety of genres. It’s all about finding what they need at any point in time. It’s a long process, there are no shortcuts. 🙂

    The oft repeated phrase here is: “It’s a marathon, not a sprint!”.


    Makes total sense then! was just wondering if there were any specific libraries more inclined for certain genres, which would be a helpful starting point, but not really expecting any shortcuts at all with this. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it for sure 🙂 thanks for your answer Art!

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