Licensing for TV

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    I am trying to learn about the US market not understanding one thing about “licensing” in US libraries, libraries like Intervox (Germany) let you download freely without asking for an account registration while others here make you register before you can even browse their library. Here in Germany all TV stations pay to PROs and licensing is never an issue for TV only ads and cinema, they can even take some Beatles or Stones tunes on the state run TV stations, while the USA libraries talk about license fee for TV. Can somebody explain the difference? Is it that EU PROs cover mechanical copyrights and in USA Ascap and Bmi do not? Strangely only CESAC does?

    Art Munson

    I’m not familiar with EU copyright rules. In the U.S. when you want to use an audio recording in a TV show or video you need a sync license. Depending on the situation, it may be an individual sync license, per use, or many times a library will issue a blanket license. The blanket license could have a one time fee or annual fee to cover the libraries complete catalog or a subset of the catalog. Hopefully I have explained this clearly. If not someone will straighten me out! 🙂

    BTW it is SESAC not CESAC.

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