Licensing for TV: audience dimension?

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    Hey everyone,

    I’m trying to help an ad agency I work with. They asked me how they can evaluate, when they have to license a track of a music library for TV usage, the expected audience dimension of a certain TV channel.

    From what they’ve told me, production music libraries change their price according to this parameter.

    Thanks a lot.


    Rate cards for advertising licenses are usually broken down into something like:
    – local (town / city)
    – regional small (one section of a big state or a whole small state)
    – regional big (several states)
    – national
    – international

    Then there’s the media – is it radio only, web only, theaters, radio and tv, or all media?


    Thanks Mark, so you say libraries usually determine their TV-licensing price according to just “territorial coverage”?

    This morning they told me some libraries, during the process of buying the track and establishing the price for the license, asked them to define the “size” of the expected audience in the TV channels. That information is quite hard to imagine I guess…that’s the reason of my first post.


    For Bigger Brands the broadcast TV Spo rates are often as follows:

    Worldwide audience = $25,000 to 40K – Think NIKE, MCD’s PG, Coke, GOOGLE, INTEl, MICROSOFT
    National USA TV Audience = $15K to 20K
    Regional Advertising Tv $5K to 10K – Think Only Northeast USA (but NYC included)
    Single City TV Ads – $2500 to $5000 – NYC, LA, CHICAGO
    Local ads: $1000 to $3000

    Some of my recent examples;

    BMW National radio paid 5K

    Delta Faucets/ Amazon / Alexa Co-op paid 7K for the license (airs mostly on cable)

    $2000 Jingle for a seed company airing in Minnesota Only on radio

    However, it really is the wild west because many times ad agencies will take advantage of the cheap offerings on the sites we all know of and get a track on national spot for a lousy $100 to $1000 or so. That is just sad and it is enabled by stupid site operators who don’t understand this business beyond the youtube buying crowd and small business, mom and pop operations. AJ and P5 just do not have a barrier in place to talk about bigger ad campaigns to up sell the client properly.


    Some of my recent examples;

    BMW National radio paid 5K

    Delta Faucets/ Amazon / Alexa Co-op paid 7K for the license (airs mostly on cable)

    $2000 Jingle for a seed company airing in Minnesota Only on radio

    Those prices are what you asked directly to the ad agency or what the library you have the track with asked?

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