Looking for some feedback

Home Forums Critiques Looking for some feedback

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by DDP.
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    These were a batch of tracks I created when I was in an electronic mood.

    I’ve received feedback from some libraries on these already, and I’d like to discuss this feedback, but first I’m curious to see what people who have been doing this a lot longer than I have think.

    I just thought it would post a clickable link and not add the soundcloud content to the post. Is that okay?

    Thanks in advance

    PS – Yes I’m a Deadpool fan


    Art Munson



    I don’t have the library expertise to comment but I was impressed. It seems a good cut above average for this sort of music. In particular there’s no sign of laziness, which often seems to afflict composers of EDM/electronic stuff. But that’s speaking musically. For a library I can imagine some potential problems with the overall busy-ness and with some of the vocals. Don’t listen to me though.


    Thanks for the feedback PeteJ. I’m still struggling with HOW to compose library music. I’ve placed a few simple hip-hopish tracks on a couple of high profile (I think they’re high profile) shows but when I try to pitch those types of tracks to other libraries, they’re not into them. I guess because they have a TON of that type of stuff because it’s so easy to make.

    So then I get a little more complicated with my compositions and then I get told by libraries that I’m being too creative, lol … I’m still trying to find that happy medium.

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