Mac, Safari and WordPress?

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  • #29351
    Art Munson

    A few Mac and Safari browser users visiting MLR have reported problems when posting on the forums. There are times when posts will seem to disappear but in actuality are sent to the moderation queue. Also there have been complaints that these users are unable to edit their replies once posted. As I mentioned, these issues seem to be Mac and Safari browser specific. If you are having this problem I would recommend trying Firefox or Chrome and see if this fixes it.

    If you find a post has disappeared please e-mail me and I see if it’s in the moderation queue and if so,  will release it. If an important post I would recommend that you write it in a text editor first. Save it in case something goes wrong and you need to re-post. This is a good practice no matter what computer system you are on.

    Also, please don’t start ranting on a thread about a lost post as that solves nothing and only pollutes the thread!

    At some point I will figure out why this is happening. If anyone has ideas about why this may be happening I’m open to suggestions.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Art Munson



    Art, with shorter submissions, I have not found it to be a problem with Mac/Safari. I’m not sure why “some” longer posts make it, while others don’t, but it seems that’s a constant factor in things when they go south for me.

    Also, sorry for any thread pollution I may have created. I have not found these types of problems anywhere else on-line. Cheers. LAwriter.

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