Member for 8 years here..why do I have to pick pictures like a child

Home Forums General Questions Member for 8 years here..why do I have to pick pictures like a child

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  • #46827

    I really hate Capcha logins. I dont begrudge anyone trying to secure their business but there has to be a better way than making a grown man pick pictures over and over just to login . I’ve been a member for 8 years and wonder why I suddenly have to do this nonsense here. I generally quit any site that employs this but MLR is important to me; it would be the biggest loss in my personal refusal to do this. There has to be another way; like the way it was last month : just a login. As it his MLR is always hard to log in…I clear cookies change browsers etc but dont mind so much; however the Captcha is insulting. Please stop this

    Art Munson

    I have had a captcha on the site for years and nothing has changed with the login routine.

    Captchas are used to prevent spam. MLR has been plagued by it over the years and it’s the reason I don’t allow anonymous users any more.

    If you clear your cookies and cache constantly you will always get hit with a captcha. Once logged in, and you don’t clear your cookies and cache, you should be good for future logins. If not, let me know.

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