Money, Money, Money?

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    Ok I’ve been reading lots of comments throughout the site and want to know if anyone is actually making a LIVING out of doing this – forget all the “oh it makes me a better composer” nonsense. We all need to make money – if you honestly add up the hours, are you making more than minimum wage?

    Art Munson

    Ok I’ve been reading lots of comments throughout the site and want to know if anyone is actually making a LIVING out of doing this

    Absolutely but it’s very hard work and it will make you a better composer. 😉


    Absolutely making a living but Art is right it is hard work!

    I spend probably 10 hours a day 6 days a week in a studio…actually probably more.

    I’m guessing some people do a lot more than that.


    It’s not just sitting in a studio for 10h 6 days a week. Of course after a while you`ll write good cues if you’re a talented composer.
    It`s very important for which company/library you are working for. That makes the difference….


    Yes indeed. And as mentioned above, it’s something you have to put the time and work into. Patience is key, you have to focus on the endgame. It takes at least a few years before you really get any kind of footing in this business and are earning a solid living. Coming at this with a ‘making money overnight’ attitude will only leave you disappointed.

    Finding the right libraries is key for sure, and sometimes that’s a slow process of trial and error. Libraries that payout for one guy might not payout for another depending on their genre(s), personal style etc. So learn to be versatile in what you write, but even more important know when a particular genre ISN’T working for you. You can always come back to it once you’ve adapted a few others that have become part of your repertoire.


    Well put justincrosby I do agree. I have been at this for a little over 3 years, and have just now really started having some financial success. You have to keep writing, try some different things out, and see what works for you. It is a constant learning process. You never know what is going to sell. It may surprise you. As Art said, it is very hard work, but the more you write , the better composer you will become.


    I agree with all of the above, with respect to the amount of time necessary to do this well, and to succeed. It is a full-time job, and then some . Be prepared to work 10+ hours, per day, 5 or more days per week.

    You have to be proficient at composing and producing, as well as all of the administrative tasks and responsibilities involved. This career is no different than any other business that you might own. Ask a restaurant owner how many hours they put in, or a contractor.
    If you approach producing library music in anything less than a businesslike manner, you’re going to have a tough time.

    Caveat: I can’t say whether this advice applies to songwriter indy- artist types. That’s really another world that I don’t get involved in. I’m speaking strictly about writing production music.



    It is a full-time job, and then some . Be prepared to work 10+ hours, per day, 5 or more days per week.

    If you approach producing library music in anything less than a businesslike manner, you’re going to have a tough time.

    Wait a flippin’ minute. You mean to tell me that I will have to work as hard or even harder at making music than I would at a day job?

    All of this time, I thought I could write a handful of cues, upload them and make $10,000 licensing fees and $20,000 in backend royalties.

    You have let me down, sir. My dreams have been crushed!

    (heavy dose of sarcasm here :-))




    I was kinda hoping for money for nothing and chicks for free. 😛


    You “kids” crack me up. 😀

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