Private Forums :-(

Home Forums General Questions Private Forums :-(

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  • #14458

    The sites getting a bit boring with all these private forum posts recently… can you not got back to having most of the Comments sections private and the Forum sections open. Perhaps move the private forums to the comments like you used to. Thanks



    Art Munson

    @tralalalala: Out of:

    18 Forums
    588 Topics
    4,838 Replies

    There is only one private forum that I am aware of and that was by request. I can only think of one topic that may be.

    I would need specific information to know what you are referring to.


    Ok, sorry perhaps that one forum was getting pushed to the top of the list a lot. I think some other forums were made private the other week, possibly referring to AS. Just thought it was worked well keeping the comments section private and the forums open.

    Art Munson

    Nope just the one forum was made private and the AS topic. That’s why I started the forum “Music Library Questions” so folks could discuss any and all libraries. I don’t want to stray from the original mission though and that’s to have individual listings with comments and experiences. If the “Music Library Questions” forum dilutes the individual listings I will shut it off.


    more private forums πŸ™ … whats happening, feels like a closed shop now.


    for those of us on a tight budget, can anyone recommend or suggest any open forums where music libraries are also discussed?


    MLR One week access – $14.95 …that sounds reasonable enough to me πŸ™‚


    Realize this is a bit of a hijack (apologies in advance) but I actually wish we had some way of sharing “off the record”…A Composer’s only section of the forum. I have occasionally wanted to post some thoughts on a library I’ve worked for/with but it’s not necessarily something I’ve wanted to bring up under their listing, particularly since many of the business owners/reps visit MLR. Even if you are posting “anonymous,” in some instances, it would not be hard for the library to put together just who is making certain comments etc. Anyway, this may best be left to an off the record MLR Meetup…have you done one of those before Art? – B

    Art Munson

    more private forums πŸ™ … whats happening, feels like a closed shop now.

    @frederico did you not read my comment above?

    “Nope just the one forum was made private and the AS topic.” Geez!

    Art Munson

    Anyway, this may best be left to an off the record MLR Meetup…have you done one of those before Art?

    : Hmmm, good idea. E-mail me any ideas you might have about setting that up. You can use the contact form if you don’t have my e-mail address. Thanks!


    Will do, Art!


    Wow that’s a really good idea if there is some way to accomplish it. I have wanted to post some things as well but didn’t because of the same reason.

    As for the very few private forums – join for a little bit and you have access to them and the even more valuable – music library listings! Let’s not forget that maintaining a reputable website such as this does cost money. Art has been kind enough to offer much of it for free. He doesn’t have to.

    Art Munson

    I’ve been thinking about this some more. I just don’t know if a private meetup of composers is the best idea. Many library owners are also composers and I think it may just exacerbate the “us against them” mentality. Also how could you ensure everyone was there for the right reason? Infiltrators? Sounds so clandestine.

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