Quincy – The Movie

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  • #31002
    Art Munson

    I know most of us here know of Quincy Jones and his work but it’s easy to forget how much incredible music he has created over a lifetime. We just finished watching it. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and watch “Quincy” on Netxflix.


    Art Munson



    I’m on it…Quincy is the man….thanks for the heads up…


    I’ve been putting off watching it after reading his disparaging remarks regarding the Beatles and other artists. I was almost wondering if he was getting dementia or something….

    Will get around to watching it soon. Thanks.

    Art Munson

    I’ve been putting off watching it after reading his disparaging remarks regarding the Beatles and other artists.

    I didn’t hear any of that in there. In fact there was a clip of him with McCartney and didn’t get that there was any tension.

    What ever he may have said it’s a bit more understandable once you see what an incredibly difficult upbringing he had and the serious medical conditions he’s had to deal with. Not a perfect human but who is. 🙂


    Sweet. Look forward to checking it out. Worked for his record co back in the day.


    Seen it to. Very interesting 🙂


    Saw it, Very good…


    I saw it and was blown away. I’m old enough to have lived through his era first hand but had just forgotten the volume of work he’s done. When he made the comments about the Beatles and others the backlash was strong in my social media circles and a bit over the top given his age and general wit and sarcasm.

    Anyway, it got me wondering, just for fun, who gets the bigger monthly residual payout? Quincy or McCartney? This is NOT an attempt to compare quality of work but just from a business level. If your reflex says the Beatles survivors you should see the doc first.

    What do y’all think?

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