Registering versions with PROs

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    I have instrumental tracks in an exclusive library catering almost exclusively to reality TV……registered with ASCAP with library listed as publisher. Since full songs ( with vocals & full arrangement ) are not in the library… I still able to shop the songs and re-title them for other markets such as film and commercial advertising ?


    The full arrangement is actually an alt version of the instrumental you’ve signed with the exclusive library.
    So,i would guess you can’t sign the track with other companies but you should definitely check with the library.


    Hi Len,

    Disclaimer — this is not legal advice. Different mixes of the same track are still the same underlying work. However, the reality TV library has no legal claim on the lyrics to your tracks, if the vocal versions were not part of the deal. So, the issue is whether the versions with lyrics are severable from the instrumental versions of the tracks.

    Shopping the alt versions without the exclusive library’s permission is a potential minefield, but situations like this can be worked out by agreement. If I were representing you, I would approach the library and attempt to negotiate an addendum to your contract that would allow you to pursue other options with the vocal versions of your tracks.

    There are a number of ways that it could play out, which I won’t get into here. It can be done, however, if handled properly with the library’s consent.

    Bottom-line, get it in writing before you proceed.

    Are you back on the east coast?



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