Selling Stock Music Vs Selling Beats

Home Forums Newbie Questions Selling Stock Music Vs Selling Beats

  • This topic has 16 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by The Corporatethief Beats.
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  • #32109

    InsaneBeatz; I listened to your music on airbit and see no reason why it wouldn’t work on a lot of the stock music sites. I’m curious to know if your income from airbit is strictly from selling licenses or is part of it from utilizing their YouTube Content ID option?

    The Corporatethief Beats

    Affiliate marketing has been far more lucrative for me. I kinda use my beats as a lead generation tool. Then I promote products, tools and course to help solve the problems of the audience that I have cultivated.

    The Beat Player is a great file storage and contract delivery tool, but it has major conversion issues.

    A wall of beats is completely overwhelming for any audience. Selling beats individually has always been ups and downs with me.

    I have some success selling beat packs and using the beat player as a cheap check out processor and file delivery service. I am no means a chart-topper on Airbit? Selling beat tapes on Airbit doesn’t register as individual beat sales. But it’s easier to sell 1 product with one price than having 160 different products and 4 different pricing tiers and 4 different lease licenses. [No wonder rappers don’t buy beats]

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