Hey guys,
I’ve been reading up on all of the newbie info which has been very helpful! That said, I do have a question or two.
1. After submitting my music to a library, am I still free to post it on my website, facebook, youtube etc. without making it available for sale or is this an unwise practice to begin with? I realize that with an exclusive deal I give up all rights anyway but I guess I’m still curious about non-exclusive and royalty free.
2. Many people talk about having a large quantity of music. I believe I can create quality tracks in a timely manner but most of the time I’m a tweak head about every little detail of every song. I’m wondering if it would be wise for me to place my “tweak head” music in more of the exclusive and non-exclusive libraries and try working more on quantity for royalty free sites under a different name. Any ideas on this?
Thanks a lot,