Should I rename my songs for each Non-Exc and RF library where I place my Music?

Home Forums General Questions Should I rename my songs for each Non-Exc and RF library where I place my Music?

  • This topic has 18 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Dan W.
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    Hello: I am planning to place music in Non-Exc, and RF Libraries. Should I rename each song for each library? How does this affect the Non-Exc libraries, which have music of mine, but which are not RF?

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Art Munson

    Should I rename each song for each library?

    I initially re-named for different libraries but no longer do.


    Art, why did you decide to stop doing it?

    Art Munson

    Art, why did you decide to stop doing it?

    A lot of work and could not see that it made a difference.


    Ok. thanks Art.


    Art – you don’t find that you “compete” against yourself in various libraries using the same names?

    Art Munson

    you don’t find that you “compete” against yourself in various libraries using the same names?

    I couldn’t really track that effectively and it was too much work. I will say that I did change titles for one particular RF site that had/has low ball pricing. Since that site started allowing for composers to set their own pricing I have been pricing my tracks in line with the other RF sites I’m on.


    art, how are you doing with the raised priices? i feel i need to raise the pricing a bit higher just to compensate their extra fees and match dollar for dolllar income with the other site


    Thanks Art.

    Art Munson

    art, how are you doing with the raised prices?

    Actually, pretty good. 50% of the sales this month were at my higher pricing.


    Just want to chime in. I have done quite well with $50 to $70 prices on stock music markets. I do try to have a different title because If someone finds my track on one market, I do not want them to search and find the same title on another market at a lower price. So the solution is to have different titles on different markets. Is this a PITA? Yes, but it also, hopefully, forces the customer to buy the music where they first discovered it. There are other obvious reasons to have different titles on different markets. “Poetic” or “real” titles are ideal for certain markets. Keywordy style titles work better on other markets. One and two word titles work well on some markets. All in all, titles are eternally a PITA!…. LOL! But a “title strategy” is needed for each site.


    All in all, titles are eternally a PITA!…. LOL! But a “title strategy” is needed for each site.

    , with all those differing titles, how do you handle PRO registration and copyright registration?


    I always register the original “poetic” or “real” title. Sometimes I register the generic “keywordy” re-title such as “inspirational happy positive corporate uplifting upbeat background minimal ambient underscore for your youtube business marketing presentation and tutorial epic orchestral strings motivation” . …I am kidding a bit but you get the idea.

    If I detect one of my tracks on air in a spot using tunesat or if I just hear it on TV while at home, I file the claim with my original “real” title. My focus for PRO registration is the main, original “poetic” title. It’s complicated and a PITA.

    One of these days I may very well just register all of these other titles, but I do not see the immediate need to do that right now.


    In your experience, is there a problem with using the same music in traditional libraries, and RF sites? Or do you consider that they are different markets and that they should not be mixed? That is, your music for traditional libraries should remain in that market ?, and what is advisable is to compose music especially for the RF stock market? My concern is that maybe I would be devaluing the music that I have in traditional libraries
    Do you recommend using a pseudonym in the RF market?

    Thanks for your comments.


    In your experience, is there a problem with using the same music in traditional libraries, and RF sites?

    Question on nomenclature: what do you mean by “traditional libraries?” A “traditional” library, in the original model going back decades, would be an exclusive and usually work-for-hire arrangement. You could not put the same music in other libraries without breaching your contract.

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