Starting new lisbray what would you like to see

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    More advice

    Advice, please stop putting bad ideas in people heads such as “It’s hard to compete price-wise with giving the production company a gratis blanket license and a share in the publishing.”

    If I am not mistaken, Eclipse indicated that he is ALREADY servicing 35 shows? Can you please confirm Eclipse?

    I don’t think this gentlemen ever indicated that he was going to give away everything and hope his company gets 50% of the publishing with no synch fees etc. You write as though this is now standard operating procedure…It’s not. I see what’s going on, on the cue sheets, and yes there have been some deals where a library is giving 50% pub to the production company probably in return for a very high volume of placements, but I really don’t think this is the norm.

    The practice is a sign of weakness on the part of the publisher and greed on the part of the production company. But my goodness, stop writing about bad ideas. Business needs to always be a win/ win situation…not “I win more than you!”

    Eclipse, I want to see you charge $5000 an episode for cues and/or custom scores, you keep 50% publishing royalties, but the writers keep 100% writers share AND 50% of their own publishing. The production company gets 0% publishing. Why should they, they are thew buyer of the service not a partner and “bribe taker”.

    You get the juicy up-front fees for providing all the music to the show, and 50% pub, but we get 100% writers share, and 50% pub share.

    Now that deal is progress, fairness, and win/win for everyone!

    By the way Eclipse, how do we find you to present our music?


    I don’t think this gentlemen ever indicated that he was going to give away everything and hope his company gets 50% of the publishing with no synch fees etc.

    I never said Eclipse was planning to do these crappy deals. And you are correct, they are not the norm, but they are out there and *could* be starting a very dangerous trend. My point was only just how difficult it may be to make revenue in this market (unscripted reality TV) based on the competition.

    Also, Eclipse, if you come back on. I am not at all on your case here. There may be a lot I don’t understand from your one post about this.

    I will say that it raises a red flag with me whenever someone says they are starting a library and they ask composers what *THEY* would want to see in that library. Just seems bass-ackwards from the get go.

    Again, if I am all wet here I apologize for the Debbie Downer thing.


    Some poeple in this forum are just waiting until another is writing something they don`t want to hear/read to discipline afterwards.
    That is very weird for me personally.

    I compare the trailer/production music business with Star Wars ๐Ÿ™‚
    There is the good side of the force and the dark side of the force and both ways have pros and contras and there are a millions of ways to reach Coruscant ๐Ÿ™‚



    Advice, please stop putting bad ideas in people heads such as “It’s hard to compete price-wise with giving the production company a gratis blanket license and a share in the publishing.”

    @ More Advice…from my perspective it is your advice that sometimes may be harmful to production music composers. You have a sort of music house / jingle producer /ad agency perspective on the business which doesn’t always translate into the reality of this world, or take into consideration the many many levels of this industry.

    Eclipse has not responded to this thread since his/her initial post.
    My guess, after reading your financial demands and manifesto, is that eclipse didn’t send you a PM either.

    If I had a crystal ball my guess would be that his/her plan is in fact to create a library to service the producer(s) of the 35 shows that he/she has worked on in the same way the JP, SK, PMP, MC and others service producers…with a gratis license to get backend.

    Composers have been sending their catalogs to producers for gratis licensing for at least a decade. This is nothing new. My entire catalog is available to several music sups. They call me, ask for a genre, if I have it, I send it off, no sync fee. The difference between that and going the JP, SK gratis route is that I get 100% publishers and 100% writers, don’t worry about retitling, and am free to put my music in RF libraries too.

    “The best part of waking up” isn’t in your cup, it’s broadening your horizons. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Art Munson

    Thread closed.

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