switchin affiliation question

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    I have music registered with ASCAP for which i am not the publisher. If i switch my writer’s affiliation to BMI can I take these songs with me even, thgough the publisher is an ASCAP member?

    Art Munson

    Switching your writer’s affiliation from ASCAP to BMI can be a bit complex, especially when the publisher remains with ASCAP. Here are some key points to consider:

    1. Existing Works: You have two main options:

    o Leave Existing Works with ASCAP: Your existing works can remain registered with ASCAP, and you will continue to receive royalties from ASCAP for those works. New works would be registered with BMI.

    o Transfer Existing Works to BMI: This can be more complicated, especially if the publisher is still with ASCAP. Both you and the publisher would need to coordinate the transfer, and the publisher would need to update their records with BMI.

    2. Publisher Coordination: If the publisher is an ASCAP member, they would need to agree to the transfer and update their affiliation for those works. This can sometimes be a hurdle, as it requires mutual agreement and administrative work.

    3. Royalties: If you leave your existing works with ASCAP, you will receive royalties from ASCAP for those works and from BMI for any new works. This means you might receive two separate royalty checks.

    4. Consultation: It might be beneficial to consult with both ASCAP and BMI directly to understand the specific steps and implications for your catalog. They can provide detailed guidance based on your situation.

    Switching PROs can be a strategic move, but it’s important to ensure all parties involved are on the same page to avoid any disruptions in your royalty payments.

    Looking to switch from ASCAP to BMI – MusicLibraryReport


    Make sure you have a really good reason to switch. While BMI pays more on some placements, ASCAP pays more on others. In general, vocal songs pay more with BMI but even with that, I’ve seen exceptions.

    The best thing to do if you switch is leave your existing catalog with your ASCAP writer and publisher and put future ones with a BMI writer and publisher. However, there is specific timing as to how and when you do it, so consult with both PROs. Good luck!

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