Tips about strategy

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    Hello everyone, I’m doing a lot of researches in the last 30 days and I’m creating a strategy to be the most assertive as possible on my choices. Could you help me improving or giving feedbacks about what I’m thinking? My idea is:

    1) Choose 1 or 2 specific libraries capable of selling songs in the genre I produce;
    2) Produce songs for these libraries;
    3) Create 3 or 2 different demo reels (1 for cinema, 1 for games and maybe 1 for advertising) with my best songs;
    4) Reach out animation and cinema schools and colleges in USA and UK by email;
    5) Reach out indie game devs in USA and UK (on forums and devmap) by email;

    With a lot of work and a bit of luck, I hope to get jobs in films and games (maybe in advertising) and get a passive income from libraries. Talking about $$$, I live in a brazilian suburb and now I need a low monthly income compared to people who live in USA (I guess) since Dollar is worth a lot in our country nowadays ?

    My goals are:
    1° goal: $300/month
    2° goal: $600/month
    3° goal: $1000/month

    What do you think about this planning for a mid/long-term project (1-3 years)?

    Art Munson

    Sounds like a solid plan to me @Caudo.


    Thanks, @Art! And what about my financial goals? Do you think the 1º and 2º are realistic to reach in about 1-2 years?

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