Too much lows on this?

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    Looking for feedback on this mix.  Specifically, are the lows and or low/mids too muddy?


    Sounds ok to me, It certainly isn’t bass light mind you sound cloud can do funny things.

    If you feel there is a boom, hi pass channels. I actually do this on most channels to take out  sub frequencies that maybe don’t interfere individually, but when there is a lot going on it adds up. I also cut 20-40 hz on the master buss, its inaudible unless your in an IMAX theatre with a THX rig.

    56 Strat

    Actually gdomeier, it’s refreshing to hear something with ” body “. You have a nice full warm sound happening there with good clarity, all of which is missing in too much of today’s music and recording styles. a bit too hot of a level for my personal taste [ but that’s all it is, my personal taste ]. Too much lows ? no, not at all ! it’s a big warm and full sound with actual tone, like days gone by 🙂  Stay the course your on gdomeier , love it, good job …… and a very cool tune !


    Thank you both for the feedback.  It was helpful.   I generally high pass guitars and bass around either 40 or 30 hz. Same on the master with a high cut too.

    I generally track using seinheisser hd280 phones.  The bass is very light on them, so when it sounds thick there, I know it’s waaaay to much.  I generally listen to my track in the phones, then my pc speakers and finally some consumer behind the head sony consumer phones at work.

    On a related note, I understand mixing on headphones is generally considered verboten, but other than issues with panning, is there a reason not to do it?

    Seems it would be easier to get a flat/reference type of sound via headphones rather than expensive studio monitors and room treatments.



    On a related note, I understand mixing on headphones is generally considered verboten, but other than issues with panning, is there a reason not to do it?


    No reason not to do it. I couldn’t personally.I know a lot of mix engineers that will reference mixs on headphones but never do a whole mix on them. Whatever works.

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