Trying to remove my music from Songtradr ` Anyone else having problems?

Home Forums General Questions Trying to remove my music from Songtradr ` Anyone else having problems?

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    John Telaak

    I set up a profile a long time ago before they changed their business model.I left my profile/music there for a bit after and submitted a few times with no luck, I had planned to delete everything there but you can’t do it on your own.I received an email on 9/27 about changes to their terms with a short window to opt out so not wanting to wade through legalese I immediately sent out an email to remove my profile/music.I received an email trying to talk me out of leaving but I told them I was no longer interested and received this –
    Songtradr Support (Songtradr)

    Sep 30, 14:58 PDT


    Yes. In order for us to process your account-deletion, we need to manually remove your songs first. After your songs have been removed, the account will be deleted. This can take 4-7 business days.
    Please reach out to our support team if you have more questions. We are here to help!

    Well it’s been about 11 business days now and my profile and some of my music is there..they no longer respond to emails and I’ve sent several.

    Anyone else? any way to get this resolved?



    Unfortunately it has to be resolved with persistence. They are hoping you will change your mind. They did the same thing to me. Escalate the request to the CEO and email him and other managers each day until the account is entirely removed. That was how I handled it. It took me several e-mails to have the music removed.

    Try this guy:


    John I recently closed my account. Did what they asked (deleted songs) and as I recall things went smoothly. As Music1234 stated, they do hope you change your mind. I didn’t.

    John Telaak

    Thanks for the info guys..ya I went to FB and Twitter and started a new support request and they did finally get back to me..some music still remains and I deleted all pics,bio and anything I could do on my own but it’s ridiculous to have to jump through SO many hoops for a simple request? It really makes me wonder about that company.


    I think they’re just overwhelmed with recent growth. I’ve had pretty good experiences dealing with their people. My gut tells me your difficulty removing your account was not anything sneaky, just people overwhelmed, growing pains, etc. Not saying whether ST is or isn’t the right thing for anyone, just my impressions interacting with them. Good luck!

    John Telaak

    Thanks for chiming in Advice and I’m not going to argue about it but my experiences DO make me think they are sneaky and underhanded…I’m not sure exactly what they’re up to but they’re up to something..Remember they drastically changed their business model and I’ve been told by someone with some knowledge about ST that all or most of the people there in the beginning are no longer there..they seem to be evolving into “another” company trying to make $ off musicians rather than trying to make $ for musicians and then trying to take a cut..which is fine..I’m all about supporting companies that help us get placements and generate revenue and THEN take a “fair” cut..I wish there were more of them and IMO Songtradr is just know..I won’t say the word 🙂


    No arguments, John 😀 … I can’t say I know anything for sure. I got interested in them because in-store airplay is a good market now and they offer that. I’ve probably only dealt with newer management. Right now, to me, it seems $49/year is pretty inexpensive so as long as it’s all non-exclusive, I’ll give it a shot.

    Again, I don’t know what I don’t know. If it starts to smell bad over the next 1-2 years, I’ll exit (as difficult as that sounds, LOL!)

    John Telaak

    Just to put this to bed..ST has finally removed all of my music and it only took about a month and countless emails..I’m really not trying to be negative here but it shouldn’t be that hard..and why can’t you just delete on your own like most similar sites? I just don’t get it?

    Julian Simons

    Thanks to ‘Music1234’ – I wanted to remove some songs and Steven responded straight away and the ST team helped out in a timely fashion – so perhaps they’re focusing on their customer service more. I do, however, agree that the process of removing material from all channels could be more transparent and straight forward.


    My name is Andell aka DellzShot, I recently started using Songtradr, I really hope there is no hiccups while I use this platform. I’m glad you guys got through and if I get any hiccups, I’ll be sure to make a video about it..



    I’m new here. I accessed Songtradr and started the uploading for an opportunity but noticed that my track might not be eligible for exclusive libraries after that, or that it might cause problems. What’s the story with Songtradr, do we get involved with them as a music library or can I just use the platform to submit to the supervisor opportunities?


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