Waves Audio NX – Virtual Mix Room

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    Art Munson

    Anyone tried this out? http://www.waves.com/plugins/nx#introducing-nx-virtual-mix-room/. 14 day free trial, on sale at $49.

    We have talked before about mixing on headphones at https://musiclibraryreport.com/forums/topic-tag/headphone-mixing/.

    I love the idea of it but always a bit leery that I can trust a headphone mix to translate. This software is the most sophisticated I have seen so far. You actually use your computer camera to set up the tracking of your head in the sweet spot (at least that’s what I think I understand!). It even goes so far as to have you measure the dimensions of your head to input into the software.

    Love to hear anyone’s comments on this.

    Art Munson

    Bumpity bump. 🙂


    I just bought it! Sonically, It’s VERY close to my treated room monitor mix!

    Danny Truitt

    I got an email on it and thought about trying it, but then decided it just didn’t make sense that a “manipulated” sound field would be reliable. After seeing Golds’ post, I think I’ll give it a try. I’ll post back here after trying it.

    Danny Truitt

    Well, I’ve downloaded Waves NX and given it a quick test. I think it has possibilities. I have other Waves plugins that I’m pleased with and the two-week demo will give me time to do more extensive testing, but I’m thinking it might be useful.

    Art Munson

    Just got it also, we’ll see.


    I use NX and I do find it useful for those situations where I’m forced to mix with headphones. I do think that it’s still better to use monitors when possible.

    I’ve found that NX is most useful when used in conjunction with the headphone calibration plugin I purchased from Sonarworks. I’ve heard that calibration was in the works for NX, but Sonarworks allowed calibration for my monitors/room and headphones too.


    There’s a 90 demo of this now and with coupon code CREATIVE40 it only costs $30.



    I have the Abbey Roads Studio 3 and I like it a lot. I moved a year ago to a place that I cant do any loud mixing just a pair of 5″ speakers and a sub. The AR Studio gives a nice break from usual headphone fatigue and really moves the mix to a place not unlike a studio environment. Its not magic by any means ,just a relief for me when mixing. It works with the NX mentioned above


    Ian Henderson

    I bought NX but am currently trailing CanOpener and SonorWorks as NX didn’t have a profile foe my headphones. I think this combination might be better than NX. Haven’t tried Abbey Road though.


    I recently purchased the Slate VSX headphone/software package. Its really amazing, allows a great mixing environment on headphones. I’ve tried NX, Abbey Road 3 and Realphones. Slate has far more customization but I’d say Realphones are a good software only solution . Check out the 4800 comments on Slate at Gearslutz


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