What is "normal" practice today?

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  • #13186

    Yea I guess I don’t see these deals as being wrong or right, whether morally or anything else. Deals vary.. I aim for the best I can get. The exclusive libraries I’m with have made me a decent living, so I’m happy and they’re happy too. That’s what a good deal’s about as far as I can tell. On the other hand, I won’t be a pushover either – as more composers aim for better deals the more we as composers all benefit together.

    But I probably wouldn’t rule out anything until I’ve looked at it properly, and, sometimes, perhaps tried it out with a few tracks.


    I also think there is no right or wrong here. Most production Music companies don`t pay non-recoupable upfront fees or advances anymore. The deal is mostly 50/50. Some real big and well known libraries might pay an upfront fee or an advance but then they often keep the direct syncs or make a 70/30 deal, that is also often the case with big Trailer Music companies. But well known Composer often get better deals than a relative newcomer.

    Rob (Cruciform)

    I’m an unknown composer getting recoupable advances + 50/50 on syncs with two UK libs. Though that’s for trailer music. Might be harder to get that for other styles.

    Gotta admit it has spoiled me for being willing to hand over copyright for nothing upfront. Though I’d be tempted to do that for some publishers.

    Steve B.

    Your not unknown Rob, we know who you are 🙂

    Rob (Cruciform)

    Haha! Thanks Steve. 🙂 But I do know my place in the food chain.

    Vyv Hope-Scott

    Been away a few days, hadn’t expected so many replies! Thanks so much for info, everyone. From what people say, perhaps I’m doing the right thing after all.

    But recently one of my longest-standing clients got taken over, my contacts in the company were fired and now my royalties are heading south (about 15% pa). It doesn’t seem there’s anything I can do but stand by and watch 400 tunes go down the pan.

    Also I’m doing some MIDI-orchestral stuff for another outfit, great fun but each tune takes AGES to compose, orchestrate, record, mix. Wondering whether to suggest something non-exclusive in case they don’t make anything of it. (From what’s already been said I probably will)

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